
The Titans were a race of sapient beings that originated on the planet Titan.

Their planet was crippled by overpopulation, eventually causing a societal cataclysm that rendered the species functionally extinct, leaving Thanos as the only survivor.

Basic Information


Titans were humanoids, with broad bodies and limbs. They were sexual diamorphic, although external differences between the sexes were minimal.

They possess distinctive chin grooves, which, combined with the fact that both species are completely hairless, has lead some experts to theorise that they may be related to the Skrull.

Civilization and Culture


The Titans were a race that had evolved on Titan.

Due to overpopulation, the planet began to run out of resources. Thanos proposed randomly killing half of the planet's inhabitants, so that the other half could live. This proposed 'solution' was regarded as insanity, and was not implelented.

Titan was eventually devastated when the people finally snapped and turned on each other for survival, and left mostly uninhabitable. The Titans themselves went nearly extinct after the conflict.
~2,000 years
Conservation Status
One member of the species is known to have survived the fall of Titan
Average Height
6'5" - 6'9"
Average Weight
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Purple skin
Geographic Distribution
Notable Individuals