White Hot Room

The White Hot Room is a realm inherently tied to The Phoenix. Phoexnix hosts report that all communication between host and Phoenix takes place in the White Hot Room.

Its exact nature is unknown, though many theories have been proposed, including that is is the mind of the Phoenix itself accessed via telepathic powers, that hosts are killed on possession and the White Hot Room is an afterlife, that it is a pocket dimension contained within the M'Kraan Crystal, that it is part of the Nexus of All Realities, or that it is a dimensional plane located beyond the Far Shore, and therefore not forming part of the contiguous multiverse.

During the second era of the Shi'ar Empire, it was believed that the souls of dead Majestors went to the White Hot Room after death, rather than the afterlife shared by other Shi'Ar.
Alternative Name(s)
The Above-Place | Beyond the Beyond | Excelso Prae Omnibus Aliis | The Mystery | The Heart of Creation
Magical Realm