
Zen-Whoberi was the home planet of the Zehoberei species. It is located in the Capella star-system, within the galaxy known to Terrans as the Milky Way.

The planet is part of Sisterhood-controlled Space, but is uninhabited following the extinction of the Zehoberei.


Zen-Whoberei is a desert planet. It has only two tectonic plates, resulting in a seismically stable and largely flat surface. The planet is bisected by a mountain range which sepperates the two continents, and which houses massive underground reservoirs.

The majority of water on the planet is either underground, or in extremely deep gorges.

The planetary atmosphere is thin, resulting in higher than average levels of solar radiation compared to other habitable planets.


The planet is located close to the star Capella, on the inner limit of the circumstellar habitable zone. This results in an extremely high average temperatures and the desertification of the vast majority of the surface.

Ecosystem Cycles

Due to the smoothness of the planet's orbit, there is little differentiation in season based on climate. Traditionally, the zehoberei divided the year based on the seasons of certain plants.

Fauna & Flora

Plant life is scarce, and there are only two native species of tree, both found close to the mountains where the level of groundwater is higher. In other parts of the planet, cactuses are the only large plants. Many of the native planets are carnivorous, and in the few fruiting plants, seeds are usually spread by the wind rather than by animals.

While there are some diurnal species (including the zehoberei), the majority of the insect and animal life forms are nocturnal, and most live underground in order to avoid the heat.

The planet is one of only four known inhabited planets to have no native species of fish.

The planet had only one native sapient species, the Zehoberei. Following the massacre by Thanos's Armies, lack of land management, drought and war destroyed not only the Zehoberei, but most native animal species. As a result, only insects, carrion eaters, and those animals which were too small to be worth eating survive.

Many forms of plant life were also destroyed in the years following the massacre, and the Temurur in particular survives only off-world in the collections of botanists and gardeners.

Natural Resources

The the planet has high levels of natural copper which was prized by the zohoberei who used it to make jewellry, dishware, and other objects. It is theorised there may also be significant deposits of painite, but the climate is not suitable for Badoon, and since the fall of the zehoberei and the claiming of the desolate planet by the Sisterhood, they own all mining rights.

Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species
Former Residents