
The Zehoberei, also known as Zehobereians or Zen-Whoberians, were an alien race from the planet Zen-Whoberi.

Although one individual is known to survive, Kree archives suggest they are not able to interbreed with other sapient races, and so the species is classified as extinct.

Basic Information


The Zehoberei were humanoid, very similar in form to Kree. Their skin was a vivid green, shading to yellow around their eyes. They had hair on their heads only, which was usually black or dark puple.

Biological Traits

They were extremely hardy, due to their harsh environment, and immune to a number of substances considered toxic, even deadly, by other races.

Their skin was also extremely tough, likely due to having evolved on a planet with high levels of solar radiation and a wide variety of venemous animals and plants.

Genetics and Reproduction

They were mamals and reproduced sexually, via allogamy. They were hermaphroditic, individuals able to both become pregnant and impregnate others.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Their eyes were similar in appearance to those of Humans, with black irises.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Due to their lack of space-faring vessels, as well as their close-knit communities, it was extremely rare for any zehoberei to live off-world for any period of time.

Civilization and Culture

Relationship Ideals

The zehoberei did not practise long-term commitmented romantic relationships. Sexual partnerships were usually brief, rarely lasting more than a few days. Children were raised by the biological parent who birthed them, and knowing the identity of their second parent was relatively unusual.

They lived in extended family groups, and relied on their wider family for emotional intimacy and support.

Average Technological Level

Prior to the fall of Zen-Whoberi, the zehoberei had attained a moderate level of technological developement.

They were aware of the wider universe despite their lack of inter-stellar vessels due to their planet being locate proximate to Sisterhood-controlled Space and traded with more technologically-advanced civilisations for access to tech they could not manufacture themselves.

They had limited access to faster than light travel as they did not design or manufacture their own FTL vessels, only importing them from elsewhere.

Common Dress Code

Elaborate hairstyles, usually braided, were the norm for men and women, as braiding was a low-energy social activity that could be done during rest periods.

Long loose robes in bright colours were the prefered mode of dress for most people, with the length depending on the level of physical activity expected, although trousers were worn by those in particularly active professions, and by children.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Due to their largely sedintary lifestyles, the zehoberei highly valued art of all kinds and were famous for their singing in particular, although among themselves, poetry was the most highly regarded and culturally important art-form.

Alcohol was a central feature of their culture due to limited access to clean water. They brewed a variety of alcoholic drinks, ranging from the extremely weak, intended to be drunk everyday, to those strong enough to kill members of less sturdy species.

Their cuisine was notoriously hot due the roots of a plant called temurur, which they dried and used ground as a spice in most dishes; traders compared the taste to Centaurian oolœ. The cuisine was extremely high in protein, owing to a dirth of edible native planets, consisting primarily of eggs, edible insects, and some red meat, suplemented by small amounts of tubers and desert plants. Stews cooked in clay vessels were the most popular dish, as they provided a portion of liquid and could be set in a fire at the beginning of a rest period and left to cook with very little tending.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Due to the lack of natural seasons, the zehoberei divided the year based on the life cycle of certain plants, dividing each solar rotation into two based on the lifecycle of the temururu, and their lives into period of rotations tied in to the life cycle of the mgoru, a desert cactus that flowered approximately every 7 or 8 rotations.


Some Kree exo-biologists have theorised that the superficial resemblence of zehoberei to Kree is evidence that the zehoberei are the result of Progenitor experimentation. The theory, part of a larger "Universal Progenitor Theory", is contraversial outside Hala and its applicability to zehoberei specifically is disputed even by adherants, as Kree are sexually dimorphic while the Zehoberei are hermaphroditic. However as a result of the popularity of this theory, since the fall of Zen-Whoberi, Hala now contains the most detailled records of zehoberei biology.

Zen-whoberei is a desert planet, and the land required careful management in order to sustain life. In order to reduce energy usage, and make their scant resources go further, rest was an important part of their culture, and most zehoberei would spend around two-thirds of each day sleeping, and a futher 50%-75% of their time awake in low-energy social or creative activities.

A period of famine attracted the attention of the Mad Titan, who slaughtered half the population in an attempt to increase available resources. However, this resulted in insufficient skilled labourers to manage the land, resulting in a prolonged famine, civil war, and, due to their lack of inter-stellar travel technology, the destruction of the zehoberei and the majority of native non-sentient species.

The cause of the original famine is disputed, with drought being the most widely accepted cause. However some, especially those who traded with the zehoberei, have argued that there in fact was no famine, and Thanos simply failed to understand the resource-conserving lifestyle of the zehoberei.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The zehoberei maintained an uneasy peace with the Sisterhood of the Badoon, who owned a number of nearby planets, and traded with a wide variety of other races. Their limited technology and lack of natural resources meant they were considered of little interest to more advanced civilsations.

Home Galaxy
Milky Way
Home System
Silicone Star System
Conservation Status
One member of the species is known to survive.
Average Height
5'0" - 5'10"
Geographic Distribution
Known Individuals