
The Zn'rx are an alien race best known for their galaxy-spanning wars of succession, known as [Snarkwar.]

Basic Information


The Zn'rx are digitigrade oviporous reptilians. They have a long tail, used for balance and in combat, and can walk either upright or on all fours. Their bodies are scaled, typically green in colours. They have a long prehensile tongue which they use to sense electrical impulses in air.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

When a Zn'rx Emperor dies, his heirs are immediately aware of it. Multiple studies have been conducted on this phenomena, but the mechanism has never been uncovered.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Zn'rx society is divided into clans, which each clan lead by a Queen. These Queens owe alliegance to and are the wives of the Emperor, and bear him children. When an Emperor dies, the sons of the Clan Queens engage in Snarkwar, fighting one another for the right to become the next Emperor. On the death of a Clan Queen, her daughters will fight one another for the right to be he new Queen.

Although this could potentially result in severe inbreeding within the Royal Family, it is common for entire Clans to be wiped out during Snarkwar, being replaced by outside families, and refreshing the bloodlines.

Average Technological Level

Zn'rx are expert genetic engineers. As well as physical weapons, during Snarkwar they will often kidnap and experiment on individuals with abilities the Zn'rx lack, and splice these abilities into their own DNA.

Home Galaxy
Home Planet
Notable Individuals
Prince Hyinar

Articles under Zn'rx