
The Zn'rx are famous for their Wars of Succession, known colloquially as "Snarkwar".

When a Zn'rk Emperor dies, his heirs know of the death instantly, and are overcome by a violent urge to claim the throne by any means necessary, eliminating the rival princes and their followers.

Despite being driven by an ancient animal instinct, the competing Princes retain their facculties, and remain capable of strategising, and using the advanced technology of the Zn'rk. It is common for Zn'rk Princes during Snarkwar to kidnap or even murder super-powered beings of other races, such as the Incentaurans, in order to copy or steal their powers (which in Zn'rk parlance are referred to as "inborn weapons"). They also steal or purchase advanced weaponry from other technologically advanced races.

This instinctive drive for domination has lead to the Zn'rk being considered one of the most violent races in the universe.

While it is not a requirement for victory, it is not uncommon for Princes to kill not only their rivals, but to wipe out entire rival factions, including non-combantants.

Xenobiologists from a number of species, including the Kree and Centaurans, have studied how a Zn'rk Emperor's heirs become aware of his death. To date, though a number of theories have been proposed, no well evidenced credible theory has been put forward. This research has been hindered by the fact that the Zn'rk themselves refuse to study it, as they consider the drive to be sacred.

In 2016, Emperor Stote was murdered during an Intergalactic Summit on the orders of the Profiteer, in order to trigger Snarkwar. To date, no clear victor has emerged, although most bookmakers believe Prince Hyinar has the greatest chance of success.
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