Clint Barton is Ronin

Life, Career


Clint Barton tracks down the mugger who injured Laura Barton, and badly beats him before delivering him to the local police station. This event, combined with his childhood abuse and the beating delivered by Jacques Dunesque, motivated him to begin a career as a vigilante under the name Ronin, inspired by stories told to him by Dunesque about Japanese samurai.

This vigilantism brings him to the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D., who identified Barton as the culprit after realising that sightings of Ronin coincided with the arrival of Tiboldt's Traveling Circus in a new town.

Related timelines & articles
Clint Barton's Life (article)
Timeline of S.H.I.E.L.D. (article)
Timestone Timeline
Original Timeline