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Crafting is one of the most fundamental downtime actions within Verdigras as all adventurers require the aid of a skilled crafter to provide them with equipment and supplies. Given the importance of crafters within this campaign, crafting is accompanied with a rather substantial overhaul to the base DnD rules. These custom rules aim to make crafting much easier to record and manage while still allowing for unique creations that reward skilled crafters.
The core of crafting anything are the materials used to construct the craft. It is recommended that players first review the  Crafting Materials page on World Anvil before reading further.

Crafting Recipes

Crafting Recipes can be found HERE.    

How to Craft Common Items

To craft common items, the craft must be proficient in the related tools and have the tools in their possession. Unlike many other downtime actions, there are no rolls or checks when crafting common items. Crafting is strictly dependent on consuming the appropriate Stamina and materials to produce the item. Given this, each and every crafting recipe is accompanied by a Stamina cost and a material cost.

Stamina Cost

When crafting, Stamina is consumed like any other downtime action. Though, depending on the complexity of the craft more than one Stamina maybe required. Stamina costs are 1 or 2 for most common items, but these can quickly increase to 4 or higher when crafting magical items. This Stamina cost can be consumed all at once when making a downtime submission as long as the crafter has the Stamina to spend.
If a craft requires more Stamina than currently available, the crafter may start a crafting project, making partial progress on the craft now and continuing it at a later date after they have regained their Stamina. As a note, a crafter may only have one crafting project open at a time. While having an open project they can start and finish other crafts, only if these other crafts are completed with a single downtime submission. A crafter may, for whatever reason, abandon a crafting project should they choose. If a craft is abandoned the materials used are lost and the crafting project is closed.

Material Cost

Each craftable item is accompanied by a material cost. To craft the item, a number of material units of a type appropriate to the crafter’s profession must be consumed. These materials can have different names and be of different types as long as all materials used suited for the crafter’s profession. Each profession’s suited materials are…
  • Smith – Metal
  • Weaver – Textile
  • Alchemist – Reagent, Crystals
  • Tinkerer – Reagent, Metal
  • Jeweler – Crystals, Metal
  • Scroll Craft – Reagents
  All materials used for the craft are consumed when the downtime-submission is approved.    

Crafting with Rare Materials

As previously discussed  here, there are a number of Rare Materials within the world. These count as normal materials for the purpose of crafting with one special caveat. If an appropriate item is crafted with half or more of its crafting cost composed of the same rare material, than the crafted item gains a special prefix and has unique properties.
Let’s take rare metal material “mithral ore” as an example. Mithral metal is unnaturally light and if a Smith were to craft a longsword, which requires 2 metal material to craft, using one mithral ore than the crafted sword would be a mithral longsword. This grants the longsword the benefit of having the light property, allowing it to be dual wielded with fewer penalties. In this case only one mithral ore was required as 1 is half of the total material cost. To craft a set of Mithral Plate armor would be much more costly as plate armor has a material cost of 15 and would require 8 mithral ore to make.
Crafters are encouraged to keep an eye out for these rare materials as their properties can enhance most crafted items, even crafted magical items.


Crafting Magic Items

A crafter who has Expertise with their crafting tools is able to craft magical items using Azoth. Azoth is an arcane dust which is gained through  Disenchanting Magic Items. Crafting magic items functions identically to how other items are crafted with a single key difference. Next to the item's material cost is a number of purple diamonds[✦], each purple diamond represents a unit of Azoth that must be consumed to craft the item. Take for example the process of crafting a +1 Longsword. This craft takes 2 Stamina, 6 Materials, and 1 Azoth. It should also be noted that rare materials may also be employed to enhance the magical craft further. So if at least 3 of the 6 materials required to make the +1 Longsword were Mithral Ore, than the crafter creates a +1 Mithral Longsword.


Damaged Equipment & Repairing

There are a handful of creatures and threats within the world which may damage equipment. This damage is represented through a cumulative -1 penalty applied to the item.   For weapons this -1 penalty applies to damage rolls and results in the destruction of the weapon if a -5 penalty is ever reached.   For Armor this -1 penalty applies to the armor's AC, and any armor reduced to an AC base below 10 is destroyed. Shields function similarly to armor and are destroyed if their AC bonus is ever dropped to 0.   While adventuring gear, cloaks, boots, jewelry, and other miscellaneous 'non-equipped' items are less likely to be damaged, they can still be destroyed under the right circumstances. Rather than taking a -1 penalty, any miscellaneous item which would suffer significant damage is destroyed and unusable.
Note on Magical Items
Magical items are impervious to most if not all traditional damages. They will not break, rust or dull. As such any magical items (those with a +1 bonus or equivalent) are exempt from the above rules.

Repairing Damaged Equipment

Given this server's robust crafting system, any weapon, armor, or shield damages may be repaired by the appropriate craftsman. If the damaged item type is craftable by an individual, they may repair the item with 1 Material and 1 Stamina for each -1 penalty.   For items which utilize rare materials such as Mithral armor or Ebonstone weapons, the repair material must be of the same type of used to craft the weapon. So to repair Mithral armor, Mithral ore is required.

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