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XII - Madrigal, Lyrist of Limbo

There are many souls who are not given proper rites upon their death, and their spirit arrives on the shore of the afterlife without the required coin to pay Amos, the ferryman. These lost souls are trapped in limbo. An eternal existence, deprived of the joys of life, but unable to reach their final rest. It is on these accursed timeless shores where Madrigal resides. They are a spirit among spirits, a spectral minstrel who seeks to help those with nothing left. With Lyre in hand, Madrigal eases the dread and fears of those lost souls of limbo with a beautiful lullaby.
Madrigal isn't as largely worshipped as some of the other gods and there are very few churches in their name. But they still find followers scattered around the lands. Most commonly these are those whose loved ones have passed without proper last-rites. They plea to the lyrist to help those who they've lost find rest. Madrigal also finds favor among bards and musicians who take the Lyrist as a muse for inspiration.


Madrigal is a ghostly figure with wispy hair and cloak. Depictions of the musician often have them floating, with lyre in hand, their body one with the haze of mist that swirls around the shores of limbo. Their lyre is their most iconic symbol, it is constructed of silver metal twisted into mesmerizing spirals. It's strings impossibly white, almost luminous in nature.

Birthsign Feature - Restful Muse

November 15th to December 1st   Gain proficiency with one instrument. Once per short rest, maximize a single Hit Dice roll.
Arcana: Hanged Man XII
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Province: Peace, Rest, Limbo, Music
Suggested Domains: Peace, Grave, Dreams
Zodiac: November 15th to December 1st
Symbol: A lyre
  Pantheon of Gods

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