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Dunwater Alliance

The Dunwater Alliance is a temporary military alliance formed by Queen Othokent of the Dunwater Lizardfolk against the aggression of the Sahuagin that displaced her colony from their previous lair and have attacked other aquatic races and the the ships of Tethyr within Firedrake Bay.   The alliance was originally being negotiated among the Lizardfolk, the Merfolk, the Koalinth, and the Locathah.  The land-dwellers of Saltmarsh were excluded from the deal because they were considered to be not useful participants as the war would be primarily aquatic.  The Sea Elves of Myth Tarkir and Myth Mannan were also excluded because due to the mutual hatred between them and the Koalinth, the two groups would never agree to even a temporary alliance and the Koalinth were considered more powerful.   The monster squad earned the respect of the alliance by retrieving an heirloom from the Bullywug King and defeating a young black dragon.  The alliance was cemented during The Night of Blood and Water  as they saved the life of Othokent and revealed the Malenti spy, Skirttl, to be an agent of the Sahuagin rather than an actual diplomat from Myth Tarkir.
Founding Date
25 Uktar, 1491 DR
Alliance, Generic

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