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Oceanus is a Sea Elf that The Monster Squad freed from captivity on the Sea Ghost. He belongs to the tribe of Myth Mannan, a Sea Elf community located 20 miles off the coast of Saltmarsh. He had been spying on the Sea Ghost on behalf of his tribe's chieftain as it was spending a great deal of time over the past several months on a supposedly unoccupied stretch of coast.

After being freed by the Monster Squad, he accompanied them to the Dunwater Lizardfolk Lair to investigate why they were buying weapons illicitly, and then assisted in negotiating the Dunwater Alliance on behalf of the Sea Elves, earning the further enmity of the Koalinth who left the alliance in protest.

Oceanus is currently acting as Liason to the Sea Elves in Saltmarsh.
Current Location
Medium, sleek, brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Blue
5' 11"
130 lbs


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