
Brobdingnagsa or Brobdsa is the largest collection of people in all of Matva. Situated on the southern coast at the edge of a generally peaceful and beflowered forest of majestically tall birch and beech trees. It has thick timber walls with space for archers, that surround the base of the a gentle hillock. Built for housing the Brobdingnag, Häk, and Vei clans, it can support a couple hundred people, though it only does so during winter. During the summer, the Vei and Häk clans return to their own farms. Befitting a town of such repute, Brobdsa is home to many travellers and raider that sell or plunder valuables on the mainland during summer and stay home during winter. Thus its riches allows the town buildings that would otherwise be too extravagent for Matva.   It has a grand Longhouse, whose gently sloping roof appears like the underside of a ship atop the gentle hill which holds a mighty hall plus fifteen rooms, which are primarily for the royal family of the Brobdingagian clan. At the base of the hill in a clearing is the Grongghall, a hall dedicated to Grongg , but when not in religious use, which is most of the time, is a gathering hall to get away from the weather. It holds as a Moot for the clans of the Brobdingnag Kingdom every year.   Next to the longhouse are 3 stone silo-towers. Importantly, there is a decent docks, with 3 piers long enough for most ships, as well as a boathouse for 1 large ship, and 24 smaller boathouses. While strewn throughout the town is a smithy, a forge, a fletcher, a leatherworker, a candlemaker, three large barns with chicken coops (for animals that can't stay in the longhouse during winter), 1 shoemaker, and 1 furrier.   As the solitary trading spot for the mainland into Matva, it is quite rich by Matva'n standards, with banners of the Brobd clan flying high above the walls and around 100 buildings contained by the sturdy walls. Snow generally covers every roof, even the low dig-out houses. Except for the peak of summer. The architectural style is primarily low wooden buildings with shingled rooves, homes often are dug into the earth to provide a cozy secondary story, and many people make goods as part of the trade in their own homes. Stones line the pathways and purple heather has been planted along the house-edges, allowing a small but long backyard to most homes.  


Atop the gentle hill, with a stone-lined pathway that snakes upwards is the large longhouse that is reminiscent to the mainland farmers'. Its gently sloping roof evokes the image of an overturned ship. Inside is usually smokey and scented with wildflowers during the summer. Spot for a large fire sits along a rectangular stone cooking-spot in the center, while long benches and 2 intricately carven wood tables are on either side. Wooden support pillars hold up the rafters and roof, decorated with carvings telling the Brobdingnagian saga. Furs cover the floor and the rafter railings above. Reindeer furs, white and red fox pelts, large elk rugs, and massive shaggy Muskox pelts. A powerful throne of dark ancient wood encrusted with silver inlays sits at the back with a white polar bear fur cover its high back. Six doorways covered by fur door-flaps line both the left and right sides of the main hall. While a separate three branch off from behind the throne room. Up above, rafters form a barn-like floor for hay, supplies, and extra resting space for rougher sleep due to the wood-smoke the collects up there. Finally a raised wall supports a second-roof and allows smoke to filter out.  


The port has 3 70ft (22m) long piers, each 10ft (3m) wide. It has 1 large boat house made of stone and timber for a warship, and 24 smaller boat houses of similar construction. Generally the port can hold upto 6 large ships and 42 smaller personal ships. During the freezing months, the ice is regularly slushed around so it doesn't freeze by people wielding long, hardy poles.  

The Grongghall

In the center of Brobdingnagsa stands a large square timber building, it's has a black-wood shingle roofing and rich brown wood carved with religious motifs dedicated to Grongg. It has 3 tiers of roof elevation, getting pointier and taller the further it goes in. Doorways with a triangle peaked arch-way line each 4 sides. Inside the Grongghall is a large vaulted room with 3-tiers rows for benches and chairs, while the center has a grand wooden statue of the god Grongg. Candles and furs line the room, giving the room a relatively warm atmosphere. During meetings, herbs and spriggs are burnt to flavor the scent of the room. Wooden-slat windows cover the walls between the out-side roofing, and support beams carved with dragon-figures rise from four massive oak-trunks in the corners of the base of the seats. Above is a shaft of light that comes in at noon.  

  = supports 215 people (longhouse + 50 dug-in homes at 4 people per house) + Summer only at 77/215 people (35%). Häk & Vei usually visit during winter.   TRADE: 4% chance each day that a trader arrives with rare offers for Mätva. Along with usual stuff. They will stay for 3d12 days. Double during Winter. 1 Spies (roll again for cover) 2 Diplomats 3-6 Tailoring Goods 7-10 Forged Goods (iron tools) 11-15 Dried exotic food 16-20 Scholarstuffs (books, writing, literate folk) 21-25 Tailored Clothes 26-50 Precious Metals (1-50: tin, copper, small iron, lead, pewter, 51-75: steel, 76-86: refined silver, refined copper/tin/bronze, 86-96: Object gold 97-100: Refined Gold ) 51-75 Premade furs & such 76-80 Rare Building/Crafting supplies (1:hardy wood, solid stone. 2: silk, sheep's wool, feathers. 3: Saplings, 4: Iron things hinges etc) 81-100 Livestock Animals (d4-1 horses, d8-1 sheep, d6-1 pigs, d4-1 cattle, d10-1 goats, 3d12-3 chickens)   Large timber building, sort of like a temple, but mostly a gathering hall for the yearly Moot. Grand entrance, triangular vaulted ceiling ^ type. On Left and Right, rows of wooden seats for the family heads. Opposite the entrance is the seat for King Brobdingnagian. Behind the seat is a back room with ladder to the small upstairs that functions mostly as a defensive spot. Giant table also put in during festivals.   Longhouse, gently curved roof like the bottomside of a ship, actual main home. Lots of fur rugs, some native, some foreign (reindeer, muskox, foxes, mainland elk). Has 15 rooms + rafters. (6 on each long side, +3 on 1 end behind throne).   Docks has 3 piers each 10ft wide, 70ft long. 6 large ships (warship size, eg 120ish men), 42 smaller personsl ships.   3 Siloes next to longhouse, a smithy, a forge, a fletcher, a leatherworker, a candlemaker, a porthouse, 1 large ship boathouse, 24 small boathouses, 3 large barns with chicken coops, 1 shoemaker, 1 furrier

Cover image: by AI


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