Lord Kryngimir of the Silver Moons


Lord Kryngimir of Kronnaigla, Lord of the Silver Moons, is a Lord of conviction, he serves the Godking Tvormir with all his life. An Astdrava'n Elf, his skin is dark grey, his eyes red, long white hair falls to his chestplate, while a sharp pointed beard hides an ever present snarl. Much like the other elves which bow to Tvormir, a set of two great black spiked and devilish horns swoop back from his forehead. Upon his shoulders are two black and gold pauldrons befitting his station as a Lord of Nakrumn.   For protection he wears a burnished golden and black set of ancient armor, consisting of a chest-plate with plate-set mail arms and legs, and a skull-mask full helmet. He wields a dark great sword, who's hilt are like wings torn from an eagle.   He's a cruel man who cares only about himself and his god and he will stop at nothing to secure his fortress which bars the way to Nakrumn, the Night Tower.


As a child Kryngimir was sent to serve King Tvormir of Nakrumn (Night Tower), in exchange for learning the ways of the Night Tower, Kryngimir would join the Night Tower realm, but his old family would be paid handsomely. During such wardship, Kryngimir learned that King Tvormir was consorting with the beings of the Void in the Sky, beings said to be responsible for the Sky-Scarring, seeking power, Kryngimir joined Tvormir's search for dark magic, and in return was granted lordship over the Vale of Kronnäiglå (Silver/Weapon Moons) at only 168 years old (24human A snow-valley between to jagged grey mountains, a stronghold responsible for guarding the path to the Night Tower, Nakrumn.   As a young lord, Kryngimir sought trade above all, searching for any all relics that would benefit his King's search. And as such the realm of Nakrumn grew prosperous. (Year 653).   Eventually though, the Scrolls of the Sky-Scarring were found, and King Tvormir of Nakrumn proclaimed himself the sole heir to Steisätyld, and that all other claimants were born of naught but his imagination. Thus being a Godborn Tvormir decreed that all in the realm of Nakrumn would be slaves except for the Godborn kinship, which included only the Elves of Astdrava. To the outward realm, he decreed that any who did not submit to his rule as the true heir of Steisätyld would be cast down into slavery as well.   Given free reign to conquer in the God King Tvormir's name, Lord Kryngimir first started by cleansing his land of any that would fight against him. First he sacrificed any non-Elves to Tvormir King of the Night Sky. Then with his direct settlement and stronghold cleansed, he rounded up as many wildfolk as possible and set them to building Lebbnaigla to be the greatest stronghold that side of the Star-Peaks, they redirected a great moat from the Kva'trii's rivers around Kronnaigla. Then he set out to expand his territory, which after conquering two of the 12 other realms, he found himself forced to deal with uprisings and mountain nomads.   One such group of mountain beastfolk were a constant nuisance, a group of predators that lived alonged the Gaf Forest would lure out the great Mammoths that the Elves used for transporting troop supplies and building materials, and they would drag their corpses deep into the mountains where any strong amounts of troops would die quick to avalanches. So Lord Kryngimir went out hunting for the Gaf, tall two-legged and antlered like a moose, they found a pack of them lying in wait for a mammoth along the Silver-Blood Trail. Here Lord Kryngimir loosed a dark arrow which pierced into the largest of the pack. The rest fled and while many were killed or captured, still some of the pack were able to flee. Sensing that the pack was severely weakened, Lord Kryngimir returned to his normal duties and left the hunts for his Counts. While he plotted and planned for how to take out the elusive and established Kreir Falls beastfolk, who dwelled near a set Upfalls from the Snow Kva'trii River. The Upfalls are of vital importance for God King Tvormir in his great plan, and the Kreir beastfolk need either taming or eradicating. It was to much surprise that Lord Kryngimir heard tale of a Nylsva'n speaking to the beastfolk, offering them aid. Thus Kryngimir sent his blood-thirstiest Count to track the Nylsva'n to Eitsa.


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13 Power

Leader of the Silver Moons STATS.png

26 Power

Leader of the Silver Moons STATS 26POW.png


  • Night's Talon: 2d8+3 Greatsword, 2d10+3 if bladesharped, Desireable +2, +3 Magic Weapon (counts as an Enormous weapon vs parries), as a magic weapon is shines and radiates a magic arc of energy behind each strike.


His guards and soldiers are known to be other Astdrava'n Drow, with their Tvormir-Worshipper iconic horns, however they bear no pauldrons, be not any form of ruler, they wear similar armor though without the mail addition to the helmet. They carry a longsword, and shortbow, sometimes a longspear instead. They are known to have access to the Small Arc, Folk Magic, but are not wielders of the New Arc of Sorcery.

Arc of the Sky-Scar


Folk Magic 91% a 13POW, 104% at 26

  • Bladesharp; increase dice step of bladed weapons
  • Bludgeon; increase dice step of bludgeoning weapons
  • Coordination; Makes coordination based skills 1 step easier
  • Fanaticism; Give passion Fanaticism "The Night God" % = to caster's Folk Magic %
  • Firearrow; Gives +d4-1 dmg (min 1), can ignite wooden shields/flammable objects, arrows burn up.
  • Fireblade; Gives +d4-1 (min 1) dmg, flammable objects if held to them for a bit
  • Protection; Gives a protective shield that the first time they take dmg through armor, it is reduced by d4-1 (min 1)
  • Vigour; Ignore all fatigue

The New Arc

Invocation/Intensity: 98% Intensity 10
Shaping: 98% 10 Points at 13 Power, 111% 12pts at 26 Power
  • Smother (Resist Endurance)
  • Transfer Wound (Resist Endurance Remember to track individual wounds, ie instances of dmg
  • Telepathy (Resist Willpower)
  • Teleport via Shadows (Concentration) (Resist Evade Max TP, Touch, Mag1, 345km/214miles.
  • Summon via Shadows (Resist Evade Summon objects either seen, or marked, or magically detected. Items return to exact previous position when spell ends. Siz upto x3 Intensity (30)
  • Mark (Resist Willpower)
  • Tap (Power) (Resist Willpower Drain a target's Power by Intensity (10), gain 1/5th the value (max gain upto double caster POW stat; ie can get Kryngimir to 26POW)
  • Sense (Elves) (Concentraiton): Sense the prescence of elves. Blocked by wood/earth/water Intensity Meters, or Metal Intensity CM

Active Invocations

Kryngimir has a group of 10 elves in his dungeon that he taps every day and drains them to 1 power (of 14), raising his Power to 26 from 13. Because of this he spends 6MP every day. which he off-sets by draining 7hp from his head, which he uses at the same time as draining himself to cast Transfer Wounds to someone he wants to torture or kill. This results in him never actually losing any hp except within bare moments and always keeping his 23 Pow and full MP.   He has his weapons and armor marked and assembled for instant donning, and his weapons are Bladesharped & Firebladed/Firearrowed.


Lord Kryngimir of the Silver Moons


Towards Countess Njylimar, of Kreir


Countess Njylimar, of Kreir


Towards Lord Kryngimir of the Silver Moons


Year of Birth
485 581 Years old
Long and pale
205lbs (lithe)

Articles under Lord Kryngimir of the Silver Moons


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