Centralised Monster Hunt

The team get to go on a hunt. Sitting in the Central Massif is a recently wreaked wagon train, destroyed by a creature that was being transferred by it to Parisius. Now sitting there is a box of 300 gold, 5 sapphires, and a bill of sale for the creature.

Plot points/Scenes

The team are about town, and conscious of a trade caravan passing through carrying a dangerous cargo. They are carrying a creature in a strengthened covered wagon separate to the other wagons. Exactly what this creature is unknown but worth plenty of money & being took to a private collector in Parisius.   All the team are told is that it is a creature from a partially ruined city in the Bohemian Massif forest to the east of the Black Forest. There nearer the northern end of it, they found the city and found that it is still inhabited by strange people who seemed slightly off from normal humans. The creature they got seemed to be a high ranking individual in the society saying that there is something reptilian or snake-like about this one. They slipped in and captured the creature at night and know of a collector in Parisius who collects such abnormalities in a hidden tropy room. Nobody knows the true identity of the collector and usually done thriough middlemen in the Slinky Sienne.   After the wagon train leave the team are able to go about their business.   Within 24 hours the team get word that a single remaining member of the caravan has arrived at the fort in the west, bloodied & battered. Called Agabeth, she told a story that when they were going through the Central Massif looking to cut time off their journey & hopefully get some other creature to take to the Collector. The creature that they had, managed to break out after killing one of the captors after they tried to feed it.   It's now on the loose, and the remains of the wagon train is still there with 300 gold, 5 sapphires, and the bill of sale for the creature. If the creature is killed (Agabeth wants revenge for her associates death), the persons can keep any treasure and the bill of sale. If they take the body to Parisius & the Slinky Sienne, they may still sell the body to the Collector's middlemen, who may find some interest in it.   All they have to do is track it & kill it.   If they do, they can find the wagon train & see how badly damaged it is. Whatever it is, it used fire to damage it, and rocks, before disappearing. At times the footprints of the Yuan-Ti Mind Whisperer can be found and the team can track it.   Other times they will find themselves travelling around the same circuit when they realise that the Mind Whisperer is playing with them. e seems to be stalking them as much and has set up traps. A couple of deliberate rock fall traps are set, triggered by tripping a vine attached to a loose rock that'll bring down others above it cauisng 3d6 bludgeoning damage. A couple of other traps are set in the form of punji stick pits, causing 3d6 piercing damage and poisoning the victim as per standard rules. They may get inection from this leading to illness causing 1d6 necrotic damage & 1 level of exhaustion unless treated with medicine or other curative method. Also, this causes them not to get any healing of Hit Points until treated. Happens when they suffer injury from it and they fail a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. Successful rolls prevent the illness.   The team can always check for traps and these are split between different areas.  The Mind Whisperer will try to attack them and cause chaos preferrably at night.   The only way to truly capture of kill him is to stake out the wago train when he tries to go back at some stage to retrieve useful items before he tries to flee the area. This will take him a couple of trips to get essential items before escaping. The second time is technically the best time to get him. As usual they are free to deal with him as they wish.   Either way, they are free to sell him on.
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