Lord Geoffrey of Lambrookshire

Born into a wealthy Anglo-Saxon family Geoffrey was the only child to survive for his family of local Saxon nobility. Regularly cut off from the main ruling Court of the land his family still keep to many of the Old Ways with heavy influence from the Roman Catholic church. He is baptised but with the borderlands that his extended family control to the west of Wessex, there has been a suble introduction of local traditions into them.   He recently inherited his title after his father, Lord Athel, suffered a mysterious death most attribute to foul magical practiices. An extremely ugly elderly woman by the name of Morwenna, is constantly acting as an adviser to Geoffrey, as she did to his father, and hinted to have helped his grandfather in the same instance.   Originally a quiet sort with no interest in ruling he has been thrust into this role after the death of his parents.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Geoffrey of Lambrookshire is the surviving son of his parents. Two previous pregnancies ended in miscarriage, and rumours abound that both were brought on by the use of black magic. Who it was is a matter of conjecture. What is know is that his parents were both from a group of Saxon nobility in the western borderlands of Wessex and the wilds west of there extending into Cornish territory. The family made their name by being upstanding members of society, dedicated to the people, wanting a strong community based round the local communities and hard work. They weren't overly religious but made their feelings towards the Old Ways clear by regularly getting involved in the local Roman Catholic church.   Many in the past were originally were pagan, right up to Geoffrey's grandfather, though this seemed to put them at odds with the overall leadership of Wessex. In a sense tis may have been the reason the family were sent to the western boders. No king wanted such an openly pagan lord standing in their presence when they were meant to be God-fearing Christians.   Geoffrey's parents tried to change this as they found when they dealt with other Anglo-Saxon nobles they were looked down upon. Getting baptised themselves, and Geoffrey too, they felt they were in a better position to deal with their peers. So far it has not amounted to much, though by doing so they have fallen into the trap of becoming more & more zealous in their beliefs hoping this could help their cause.   This in part was due to a rise in a number of Witches Covens near small settlements, especially in areas where there is minimal control by the authorities (whether politically ot religious). In most of these the Covens have always had little link to the Pagan & Christion Orders, and less link to the Old Ways of the Druids. They worship a mix of deities, draw spells from many sources, and usually run by women who still make up the majority. Most of the members are referred to as Cunning Folk or Hedge Witches / Wizards. A number give out blessings, curses, aids to individuals, help with child birth, and animal husbandry.   Geoffrey's parents resented these Covens who they blamed for the miscarriages his mother suffered. In these cases both were boys. After Geoffrey was born, he was protected like none before. He was brought up being schooled in secret, and taught that the Witches were all around and looking for him to be killed to increase their own power. Nothing has acttually been proven, though most Witches have confessed to this, under torture and a slow death.   When Geoffrey's parents died, they were travelling to meet a local warlord that lived just over the border. His leadquarters were in a roughly built fortress in the middle of a huge marsh with little other sentient species present for miles around. Somewhere between the border and the fortress they lost control of their horses and were thrown from them. Both died upon impact landing heavily breaking bones and rupturing organs. This was deeply suspicious to say the least, and a number of Covens had recently been quelled in the region recently.   The rest of the troop had witnessed an elderly woman nearby cursing them as they rode by, procaliming that both them & the warlord should suffer the effects of those tortured to death for witchcraft. She ended the curse to the effect that animals used for their travels will be their downfall within the hour by being spooked.   The soldiers they were with quickly puit her to the sword, though it was to no avail. A number of travelling companions reported seeing the dead old woman walk away from the horses within seconds of the animals throwing them.   A few days layter Geoffrey was made lord and immediately set about killing as many Witches as possible. Many fled and he was guided by the old woman Morwenna acurrately predicting where many are. She seems to protect Geoffrey from magical intrusion and will prevent any others from using magic in his presence. Exactly who she is is not known, or what age ahe is. Many say she smells of the sea and initially came walking out of the sea itself a number of decades ago. Either way, Geoffrey seems to rely on her advice far more often than any of his other staff. This hasn't gone unnoticed though those that speak up either dies mysteroius deaths themselve (always blamed on witchcraft), or are sent far far away to other lands.   Recently Geoffrey has learned of a group called the Ulmist Inquistion who he has hired to help him target magic users further both within his own domain, and further afield. If it comes to dealing with such Covens in other rulers lands then they will happily do his dirty work there.   Recently a Bounty Hunter in league with the Ulmist Inquisition has started work around the township of Eschbach in eastern Frankia. Sent ther after his botched attempt to kill a Coven of 3 Witches in southern Britain he has took up the hunt of Tieflings around the town. Little does he & his one-time employer Geoffrey know, that two of the Witches have survived. They have used magic to created a creature similar to a Golem in human form storing some of the knowledge of their lost member. They have sent him out to hunt for information about the killer, and to why he done it. All the while, he is to hunt out magic in all forms that may help the three of them and other covens.   A rumour has reached Geoffrey too, one that states that Morvenna is suposedly linked to a coven of her own. One far darker than the Witches he hates. The same rumour states that she is a Sea Hag and linked to a Coven of Hags that irregularly meet in the Feywild when the moon is full. The only other Hag mentioned is oin by the name of Granny Barrowbye, a Green Hag.   Another rumour has also reached him of a place called Wookey Hole in Sussex that teaches magic and if he can reach it or get the Sussex Anglo-Saxons to destroy it then the witches are cut off from a powerful source of their magic.

Lord in west cost of Wessex Has a hatred of Witches Religious

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Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale skinned, smooth, and well kept
5' 9"
163 lb

Cover image: by Colonel 101


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