The Bone Flute

The team have been sent out by the Council of Eschbach to find the remains of a caravan and to locate a bone flute stolen by raiders. These same raiders are are thought to be Saxons after some of the arrows recovered.

Plot points/Scenes

The team have the mission to investigate a cavaran that has been raided by Saxons. They need to hunt down the caravan, look to see if there is any clues there and then track down the raiders. Afterwards they are to return to Eschback's council so they can have it transported north to Aachen. They are to be paid any any little coin they can lift from the caravan. Everything else are to be lifted by hte Burgeaters and returned to the caravan owners / backers.   They can find it (3 wagons) to the east about 4 miles away. There is about 9 gold spread throughout it 5 bodies have been moved already.   Saxon arrows are still jutting out of it, and it has been ransacked.   The team can seach & finf tracks heading north with about 8 people have moved here. Following it, they chance upon the remains of the Saxons. 3 remain, and the rest dead, in a sparse forested area. Turns out they were a,bushed by 'scaley sprites' that killed the rest and made off with the flute. They appeared from the east & went to the west.   Picking up the trail the creatures made their way into the forest surrounding the road to Aachen. The creatures are Green Kobolds and may ambush the team. there is roughly 10 of them maximum. They are taking it to their new 'master' at the western grove in Eschbach. It is possibly hinted at that the 'master' is the green dragon'   The team can reasonably deal with the Kobolds.   Getting the flute, they find it is made of human bone from the first man to walk the Earth, along with a book that sits in a dead city far to the north east. The latter contains the specific tune to use the flute, and it acts to charm 1d6 humanoids as per the Charm spell.   They'll be warned off even thinking about the book at present, and will be paid 50 gold in total for the return of it by the council.   They can relax now and may be approached to accompany a pixie called Alfre to help her lead a young couple & a baby into he Feywild to meet a Hag. The young couple are called Hans & Greta, and the baby Jacob.
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