The Shadow

The team get an uncomfortable update. The young family get to travel to the Feywild too.

Plot points/Scenes

The team are asked by Hans & Greta, the parents of Jonah, that they want to meet the Green Hag. They can accompany the two where they meet her, This is easy to do and she is willing to make it easy for them.   They are having a bit of downtime and are approached by Hans & Greta. They want the team to take them to meet the Green Hag, as they are curious. The team can easily accept.   If they accept, they can easily make it through. Queen Maisie warns them never to fully trust the Hag, but the choice is up to them. After taking them there, the Green Hag will accept them in, and she introduces herself as Granny Barrowbye. She gives them a small old doll and says it a gift for Jonah and something 'to watch over him' and protect him.   She says she will visit when she can and they are always welcome at her door.     When they make it back they will be fine, but this is likely a rouse.   After a few days, Hans & Greta report a shadowy figure around Jonah at times, and things slightly moving at other times. A few times they are sure Jonah is acting with an invisible friend at times. Also, he is not that happy with the doll at times. They are almost sure that the doll has moved of it's own accord at times too.   If investigated, nothing can be really determined initially. Certainly in the case of things moving, there will be slight movements with them. Sometimes they'll pick up a shadow moving slightly as well. The doll will move slightly if caught at the right time, but appear to be a normal doll on inspection.   After a while, these get a tad more noticeable. Also, the doll may prick a person, and the Carrionette will fully appear. This may be with a team member, or one of the parents. Exorcism or a house cleasing doesn't seem to work either.   If they interact with the Fey, they may find out some of the effects and what is going on. Granny Barrowbye has created a link with Jonah, and is creating some of the effects around the house due to interacting with Jonah. The Fey might be able to stop the worse effects.    The Carrionette is different. Slaved to Granny Barrowbye, it is doing it's best to disrupt the household. Why is another thing.   If Granny Barrowbye is approached she may get angry appearing as if she is angered by the lack of respect. And either way she will try to deny that the effects are negative or that she is causing them. And she'll deny that the Carrionette is anything to do with her, and was just a doll.   Destroying the Carrionette is the only way by throwing it on a fire on holy ground to completely get rid of it unless beaten in combat. Also, the other effects require the Fey from the Grove to sprinkle herbs, spices and magical Pixie Dust around to take the edge off.   They may have to do more to fully stop it by killing the Hag, or severing the link by grabbing some Passion's Kiss andf sprinkling it around the house & bakery mixed with Pixie Dust & Holy Water.
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