Druid Emma Duckthorne Character in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

Druid Emma Duckthorne

Bird of the Grove

Druid Emma Duckthorne is a druid that spends her time regularly at the grove based at Eschbach. She regularly travels around the region every few days to watch over the animals & plants. Younger than most of the clerics & druids that frequent the grove, she has grown up raised by the druid circles in the area.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Emma Duckthorne was born to a Gaulish tribe of Celts in the west of Frankia. She was marked from an early age as a Druid due to her signs of piety and she had a way with healing plants & animals. Taking up the spiritual life at the age of 4 years old, Emma was took in by the local Druids Circle who taught her the basics of communion with the gods through sacrifice & watching over nature. They then taught her the needs of the people and how to look after their spiritual life.   By the time Emma was 12, she was able to heal the people & the land where she could. Her powers were coming from the gods, though she couldn't fully control it at this stage. This forced her to seek further instruction as it was starting to overpower her young body. So this led her people to send her to the legendary Anglesey and the Druids there.   When she arrived, she was greeted by the Druids with a harsh training regimen, including constant meditation, specified diets, physical training, and focused communion with specific Fey & Gods. Emma was taught how to direct her mind and stop her mind being overpowered. She learned the Brythonic & Gaelic variants of her own Gaulish Gods, and learned how to spot their machinations, along with those of the Fey. Emma was taught of the Dark Fey, and the dreaded Formarians. This allowed her to notice all their works in nature & the need for balance, along with the ability to draw on the necessary magics from them to make war, pain & death when needed to maintain the balance of nature. After all everything can die, and others will be born from this.   When 5 years had passed, Emma was sent back to her peoples only to find that most had been absorbed by the Frankish Empire. Although treated as equals, their culture had suffered. Less of them followed the old ways, though pockets still exist, and even those who had changed still seek out the old ways when necessary. Due to this, Emma travelled through the Frankish Empire learning more & more of what it was to be a member of such a dynamic empire, and one advancing all the time.   Finding pockets of Celts throughout the empire, she helped the elders set up groves for those who needed then, and helped shore up those that had been in use for centuries. Eventually Emma found the village of Eschbach. Learning there was the grove that Druids still practised at, it had also attracted Germanic priests & clerics. And then a Roman Catholic church was built nearby. At this point, Emma decided to put. Recognising that the grove needed a mouthpiece, she knew she could do this. This has been a good working arrangement, as the village itself was mixed and out of the way enough, to allow for many different faiths to live here peacefully. With the older corrupted grove to the south east, it created another reason to stay. Despite the workings of the new lord, Grimmaz Fyrwin, being installed and him & his allies doing their best to fight the darkness of this evil grove & other monstrous powers, a boost to the region would help.


Trained by the Druids of many areas, Emma is able to read, write & speak many languages. She's able to read the will of the gods & Fey by using a number of divine methods. Also trained in the use of herbal & practical medicines helps with her magic. To a degree she has been trained in local & general laws that govern the community she deals with, allows for Emma to act as a lawgiver in the background now of course.

Morality & Philosophy

Trained as a Druid, Emma believes tin the way that nature & sentient life, needs balance. The gods are always watching and the people need to constantly know this. Life & death are one and the same, and they need venerated. To look after this, and the natural order is more important than the individual.

Young Druid From western Frankia Highly trained in the Druidic Orders

Character Location
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Bluish brown eyes
Blonde long wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skinned with little if any blemishes
Gaulish Celtic
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common (Brythonic, Gaelic, Gallic (though rarely used), Frankish) Latin, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial, Sylvan.

Cover image: by Colonel 101


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