Metaphysical / Paranormal event
The town of Eschbach gets word from travelers & trade caravans coming from the south that here is no life in a hamlet 3 to 4 miles south of the town. A strange glowing rock is lying in the middle of the hamlet, and strange bluish light is present. Such light is seen appearing & disappearing around the hamlet along with shreiks & strange speech. A team led by the Lord of Eschbach is assembled and they investigate. A large humanoid creature is found & killed. A lump of lead is roughly shaped and placed over the rock cutting down strange effects felt by the team. Returning to Eschbach, more lead is got and a stamp to press into it. The team returns and finds the rock to cover up the rest of it, and is attacked by a few differently sized creatures that turns out to be Star Spawn Grue. Dispatched easily, they return with the rock to Eschbach. After the local priest takes possession of it to store correctly, one team member called Amon voices his suspicion that the Grue were the mutated villagers. This is confirmed, and one of the ways that the Star Spawn can come through to this world.