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Giant Leech

"From the depths of murky waters, the giant leech emerges with a sinister grace, its segmented body undulating like a grotesque dance. Its circular maw, lined with rows of tiny, needle-like teeth, latches onto its unsuspecting prey, draining vitality and leaving behind nothing but the chilling echoes of a watery grave."

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Giant leeches thrive in aquatic habitats, favoring areas with still or slow-moving water that offers ample opportunities for ambushing prey. They are often found in the muck and detritus of swamps, marshes, and the shallow edges of ponds and lakes. These creatures are skilled swimmers, using undulating movements to propel themselves through the water with surprising speed.


Giant leeches are opportunistic predators that lie in wait for their prey to draw near. Their excellent camouflage and stealthy movements make them difficult to spot, allowing them to surprise unsuspecting animals that venture too close. Once a target is within reach, the leech strikes with lightning speed, attaching itself to its victim and using its sharp teeth to puncture the skin and begin feeding.   Despite their monstrous appearance, giant leeches are driven by instinct rather than malice. They are neither particularly intelligent nor cunning, relying on their natural adaptations for survival. They feed on a variety of creatures, from small aquatic insects to larger mammals that come to drink from the water's edge.

Civilization and Culture


Deaths:   Invictus - 1   Weston - 1

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