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Morlock Cultist

"From the heart of the earth's embrace, morlock cultists emerge, their forms marred and twisted by the malevolence that courses through their veins. With frenzied devotion, they perform macabre rites, beseeching ancient and unfathomable deities for power. As shadows writhe and darkness obeys their call, they stand as living conduits between the depths and the world above, a terrifying embodiment of the forgotten terrors that dwell beneath our feet."

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Morlock cultists inhabit cavernous lairs, hidden away from the surface world. These underground dwellings are adorned with crude altars and primitive shrines dedicated to the dark deities they worship. The air is thick with the acrid scent of incense and the dampness of the earth, creating an eerie atmosphere that reflects their connection to the depths.


These cultists are driven by a fanatical devotion to malevolent deities of the underworld, often revering ancient and forgotten entities. They practice dark rituals and rites to gain favor with their eldritch patrons and harness the chaotic energies of the depths. Their connection to the shadowy realms grants them the ability to manipulate darkness and shadows, using them to hide and ambush their prey.   Morlock cultists are often seen wielding crude implements, such as jagged daggers and ritualistic blades, which they use both in combat and in their dark ceremonies. They believe that the power of their gods flows through them, granting them unnatural resilience and dark magical abilities.

Civilization and Culture


Deaths:   Alais - 1   Sol - 4   Vida - 2   Isedyl - 1

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