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Red Kobold Scout

"From the shadows emerge the kobold scouts, their scales blending seamlessly with the surroundings. With a twang of a bowstring, they rain down arrows upon their foes, their movements quick and precise. Unyielding in their determination and guided by their keen instincts, they embody the spirit of adaptability that has allowed their kind to survive and thrive in the most unforgiving of lands."

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Kobold scouts thrive in a variety of environments, from damp and dark underground lairs to thick forests and rocky terrain. They often establish their communities near rich sources of minerals or near the lairs of more powerful creatures that they might serve. These communities are typically organized around a strict hierarchy, with the strongest and most cunning kobolds leading the way.


Kobold scouts are skilled at both ranged attacks and hit-and-run tactics. They use their natural agility and small size to their advantage, navigating through difficult terrain with ease. Armed with crude weapons such as shortbows, slings, or javelins, they engage their enemies from a distance before quickly retreating into the shadows.   These creatures are fiercely territorial and protective of their nests, using traps, ambushes, and their understanding of the land to gain an upper hand in battles. While individually they may not pose a great threat, their tendency to work together and their clever tactics make them challenging adversaries.

Civilization and Culture


Deaths:   Gustav - 4   Sol - 2   Flekk - 1

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