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Amidst the moonlit graveyard, a haunting figure emerges, its form a macabre amalgamation of twisted flesh and spectral energy. The Shredskin, a revenant bound to its flayed and tattered skin, exudes an aura of despair and terror. It seeks the warmth of life, the pulsating heartbeat that eludes its own existence. Its ghastly visage, a grotesque mockery of its former self, evokes both repulsion and morbid fascination. Those who encounter the Shredskin are forever marked by the horror of its presence, their dreams tainted by the chilling echoes of its ethereal wails. Beware, for in the realm of the Shredskin, the line between life and death blurs, and the tormented souls of the departed dance in eternal torment.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Shredskins are haunting entities that roam desolate and forsaken places, often seeking solace in forgotten crypts, decrepit ruins, or shadowy graveyards. These undead horrors are drawn to sites steeped in death and decay, their eerie presence casting a chilling atmosphere wherever they tread. They are most commonly encountered in areas scarred by tragedy or where dark rituals have taken place.


Shredskins are tormented remnants of once-living beings, their existence bound to their flayed and animated skins. Stripped of their flesh, they possess an insatiable hunger for the life essence of the living. These malevolent creatures lurk in the shadows, emerging with spectral grace to stalk their prey. Their shredded skins writhe and twist, granting them an unnatural agility and an unsettling presence that fills the air with an aura of dread. Shredskins attack with relentless ferocity, their razor-sharp claws and ethereal nature making them formidable adversaries.

Civilization and Culture


Deaths:   Sol - 1

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