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Excerpt from the Journal of Elira Windstrider: "We had been trekking through the swamp for days when we first heard it—a low, guttural growl that seemed to vibrate through the very earth beneath our feet. The air grew thick with the stench of decay, and then it appeared: a troll, towering and grotesque, its eyes gleaming with primal hunger. We barely had time to react before it charged, its massive claws rending the air. Even as we fought, hacking at its limbs, the creature's wounds began to close, its flesh knitting back together almost as quickly as we could tear it apart. It was only through fire and sheer desperation that we managed to escape, leaving the troll's smoldering remains behind us. I can still hear its roars echoing in my nightmares."

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Trolls inhabit dark, damp environments such as caves, swamps, and dense forests. They are often found in regions with abundant rainfall or near rivers and lakes, where the humidity and murky conditions provide the perfect cover for their hulking forms. These locations not only offer concealment but also an ample supply of prey, from wild animals to unsuspecting travelers. Trolls are also known to establish lairs in abandoned ruins or subterranean passages, places where they can avoid direct sunlight, which is harmful to them.


Trolls are notoriously aggressive and territorial, attacking anything they perceive as a threat or a potential meal. They are solitary by nature but may be found in small family groups or loose clusters if the environment supports a high population. Trolls are driven by a voracious appetite, leading them to hunt constantly and indiscriminately. Their regenerative abilities make them fearless in battle, as they can quickly recover from most wounds. However, their simplicity means they can be easily tricked or outwitted by more intelligent foes. Trolls often hoard shiny objects and trinkets, which they collect from their victims.

Civilization and Culture


Deaths:   Hugo - 3

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