
The Creuss have the dubious distinction of being a species not of the material universe. They come from a region of twisted and torn space known as the Shaleri anomaly. Here the physical laws of the universe begin to break down. The heart of the anomaly is a wormhole known as the Creuss Gate, which leads to a universe completely unlike our own, where exotic energies replace molecular bonds and coalesce into beings of light and radiation.

These beings call themselves the Creuss. In their natural state, they are nothing more than a wispy glow of fluctuating blue energy, formless and insubstantial. Such beings have great difficulty interacting with the material universe, so in the shattered space where the two universes meet, the Creuss have established foundries and stations where they can manipulate solid matter. They create armor that can contain their ethereal forms and give them a physical presence, and ships and equipment to further their interactions in the material universe.

Why Play a Creuss?

The Creuss function very differently from most species. Outside of their armor, they are insubstantial ghosts who unfortunately can quickly wither away and even die when exposed to “normal” reality. But if they’re bold enough, they can leave their suit for short periods of time and take advantage of their ethereal form.

A Creuss character probably serves the interests of the Ghosts of Creuss, the mysterious faction of Creuss that has taken an interest in the material universe and potentially in ruling the shattered Imperium. However, not all Creuss remain loyal to their home dimension and work to support its power in the material universe. Some have ventured into the wider galaxy simply to explore and experience this strange realm. If you like the idea of playing a mysterious traveler who can teleport from place to place, an enigmatic sage who speaks in riddles, or a smug researcher with a unique perspective on the world, a Creuss is the right choice for you.

Names of the Creuss

The Creuss have two names, the first being an identifier of social status and rank, and the second a personal name. The first is usually a three-letter word starting with S, while the last name tends to be three to four syllables long, with soothing, drawn-out vowels and consonants that give it a flowing sound.

Some examples include:

✦ San Nerio
✦ Sai Seravus
✦ Soo Liereh
✦ Sih Thallinis


Starting Abilities

    • Starting Wound Threshold: 7 + Brawn
    • Starting Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower
    • Starting Experience: 100

Special Abilities
  • Starting Skills: A Creuss starts with one rank in Vigilance. They obtain this rank before spending experience points, and they may not increase Vigilance above rank 2 during character creation.
  • Incorporeal: Your character lacks corporeal presence. When wearing sealed armor or an environmental suit, your character acts as normal. However, when not wearing armor, when your character makes Brawn-or Agility-based checks, increase the difficulty by 2. When a corporeal character makes a Brawn-or Agility-based check targeting your character, increase the difficulty by 2. Your character increases their soak by their Willpower (in addition to their Brawn). Your character can move through most mundane types of difficult and impassable terrain without penalty but cannot stop inside solid surfaces. Outside of the Shaleri anomaly or their home dimension, your character suffers 1 strain at the end of each of their turns. If this causes them to exceed their strain threshold, they suffer one Critical Injury at the end of each of their turns as well, until they are able to return to a habitable environment. In addition, your character does not need to eat, breathe, or sleep and is immune to poisons and toxins.
  • Insubstantial Form: Creuss do not gain the benefits of healing wounds with dermal sealers (painkillers) or Medicine checks. Creuss do heal wounds and strain naturally by resting. In addition, when they make a check to heal strain at the end of an encounter, they may spend a to heal 1 wound (and may spend multiple a to do so), and they may spend a equal to a Critical Injury’s severity (or t) to heal a Critical Injury.
  • Ethereal Awareness: Once per session as an out-of-turn incidental, you may spend a Story Point to have your character become aware of everything that is currently within long range of your character (this includes concealed enemies, hidden passageways, and what is behind sealed doors).
  • Your character starts the game with a sealed environmental suit.
Embers of the Imperium: 22

Cover image: by mroceannn


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