
Prevail or fail, do it in style

Elegants are highly skilled professionals trained in the art of social influence. Their job is to persuade, negotiate, and at times subtly manipulate on behalf of their employers, which can range from powerful corporations to the emperor himself. They possess an exceptional understanding of human behavior, allowing them to read and respond to body language and social cues with remarkable accuracy.   Their training begins at elite schools funded by Elegants' taxes, called The Graceful Halls. There they learn everything from advanced etiquette and the fine arts to the practical skills of fencing. The most secretive and prized part of their education is the study of Flairs, a specialized technique that enhances their already potent interpersonal skills.   While they excel at personal interactions, Elegants tend not to seek positions of overt power. Instead, they prefer to operate behind the scenes, using their abilities to guide events and decisions from the shadows. The profession is predominantly female, with many Elegants specializing in gathering information, while their male counterparts often focus on negotiation and business dealings.   After their careers, retired Elegants have no trouble leveraging their skills in new ways. They might open a high-end establishment, like a restaurant or an antique shop, or take on a role within local government or the entertainment industry.   Elegants have a deep appreciation for the arts, which they often incorporate into their work. They're also skilled in self-defense, trained in the use of swords, though they prefer to resolve conflicts with words rather than weapons.   Avid gamers, Elegants enjoy games of chance, honing their ability to read opponents and situations—a pastime that serves them well in their professional life.   Style is key for an Elegant. They dress impeccably, always in line with the occasion, and pay close attention to the details of their appearance, knowing that it can be as impactful as their words.   For an Elegant, life itself is "The Game," where every interaction is an opportunity, and success is measured by their ability to navigate and subtly control these engagements.



Elegants are usually identified and chosen by existing members of their esteemed ranks, often when they are still children. Selection heavily leans towards the upper crust of society, although exceptions are made for particularly promising individuals from middle or lower classes. The criteria for selection are largely based on a candidate's emotional and social acumen.
Before these potential recruits are formally introduced to the intricacies of "The Game" through years of specialized training, they must first clear a set of clandestine assessments. These tests are subtle, designed so that the young prospects are unaware they're being evaluated. An Elegant might engineer a situation to gauge the child's resourcefulness and willpower. For example, they could masquerade as a messenger, asking the child to deliver a message to someone who lives in a different socio-economic part of the city. This tests how well the child can navigate the complexities of interacting with different social classes. In other instances, the Elegant might even orchestrate a scenario where the child faces harassment from bullies to observe how they handle adversity.
Should the child fail these covert evaluations, they remain blissfully ignorant of the missed opportunity for recruitment. However, if they succeed, the Elegant unveils their true identity and presents the child with an invitation to join this exclusive and influential profession.

Career Progression

Elegants commence their rigorous tutelage as mere youngsters, typically between the ages of 10 and 12. For those hailing from the upper echelons of society, this academic journey usually starts early due to their privileged upbringing, while aspirants from lower and middle classes are almost nonexistent, especially among young adults.
The first half-decade of their educational odyssey covers foundational subjects like mathematics, literature, history, social studies, and languages, along with the swashbuckling art of fencing. Any recruit who falters in this initial stage is either transitioned into vocational training within the organization or given a modest stipend and a prearranged occupation back in the city.
Graduates of the initial curriculum ascend to the rank of Senior Students. Over the next five years, their education becomes more nuanced, diving into advanced fencing techniques, body language, diplomacy, local social mores, political intricacies, negotiations, and high-level etiquette. Those who stumble here are likewise offered vocational routes within the organization or a path to self-sufficiency through other job placements in the city.
The final pentennial phase molds these young men and women into elite societal figures, polishing their skills in masterful fencing, Flairs studies, high politics, dance, poetry, art, and complex diplomacy. Additionally, they are given the opportunity to apprentice with seasoned Elegants in various real-world missions. Those who falter at this zenith either find roles as administrators or prefects within various sectors like the Corporates or other organizations.
Upon successful completion of this formidable 15-year regimen, the graduates earn the esteemed title of "Elegant" and are granted the privilege to adorn themselves with a personalized symbol, either as a brooch or a ring.

Career Specializations and Roles:
Corporate Liaison: Elegants may serve as intermediaries between Corporates and other societal sectors, facilitating negotiations and trade agreements.
Emperor's Diplomat: Particularly skilled Elegants might find themselves as trusted advisors or diplomats to the Emperor, serving to maintain the political landscape of the empire.
Guild Strategist: With their deep understanding of social intricacies and politics, they could act as strategists or planners for various guilds, ensuring prosperity through shrewd decision-making.
Private Advisors: Some Elegants prefer the independence of advising wealthy individuals or private enterprises, offering their specialized knowledge for a handsome fee.
Arbiters of High Society: Often, Elegants are seen as the epitome of culture and sophistication, making them sought-after judges or arbiters in matters of social importance.
Business Entrepreneurs: Using their extensive training and networks, some Elegants venture into the world of business entrepreneurship, leveraging their acumen to create profitable enterprises and innovations.

Payment & Reimbursement

Elegants enjoy substantial compensation from the organizations that employ them, be it a guild, a governmental body, a corporate entity, or even the Emperor. Their salaries are generous, often supplemented with performance-based bonuses that reflect their influence and achievements.
Upon retirement, Elegants generally face no financial hardships, thanks to ample nest eggs accumulated over their careers. However, most choose to occupy roles that allow them to maintain their lavish lifestyles rather than solely relying on their retirement funds.
Recognizing the potential for conflicting interests due to their varied employment across different organizations and guilds, Elegants have established their own guild to look after new recruits and retirees. This internal guild is responsible for covering the costs of recruits who fail to make the cut, a burden not borne by the organizations that hire Elegants. Given that these external organizations prefer to engage only those Elegants who have successfully completed their rigorous training, the guild exercises extreme caution in its recruitment process to minimize the rate of failure and, consequently, the financial strain on its coffers.

Other Benefits

Given the prestige and influence that come with the title of an Elegant, it's no surprise that they enjoy a wide array of benefits and perks. These advantages are tailored to their unique skills and contributions and vary depending on the organization they serve at any given time.

General Perks and Benefits:

Financial Rewards: Elegants receive generous salaries, often augmented with performance bonuses.
Networking: With their role often involving interactions with high-profile individuals, Elegants have unparalleled opportunities for networking.
Personal Development: Continued education and training are often provided, ensuring that an Elegant remains at the peak of their skills.
Living Accommodations: Many organizations offer luxurious living conditions, sometimes even estate-like residences, for their contracted Elegants.
Exclusive Access: Elegants often enjoy exclusive access to social events, exhibits, and even secret guild meetings, given their roles as liaisons and arbiters.
Travel Benefits: Given their often wide-ranging roles, travel is both frequent and luxurious.

Benefits of Working for a Corporation:

Share Options: Corporations may offer stock options as part of the compensation package.
Corporate Resources: Access to cutting-edge technology and corporate intelligence is often a given.
Health Benefits: Corporate healthcare packages are often extensive, covering not just basic medical needs but also specialized treatments and preventative care.

Benefits of Working for the Emperor:

Imperial Influence: Working closely with the seat of power grants a form of soft influence that is invaluable.
Access to State Secrets: This can be both a perk and a responsibility, but it ensures that an Elegant serving the Emperor is always well-informed.
Imperial Honors: Exceptional service may be recognized through titles, lands, or other forms of imperial recognition, which can benefit not only the Elegant but their family for generations.

  Because Elegants tend to shift employers over the course of their career, some of these benefits might be transitory. However, the sheer range and quality of these perks make it a highly sought-after profession, notwithstanding the short-term nature of some of these benefits.   Additional Benefits for Long-Term Employment:

When Employed by the Emperor:

Noble Titles: Exceptional service to the Emperor could lead to the bestowment of a noble title. This elevates the Elegant's status within society and often comes with lands or properties, as well as additional responsibilities.
Imperial Council Membership: A long-standing relationship with the Emperor may grant an Elegant the esteemed opportunity to sit on an Imperial Council, wielding considerable influence over state decisions.

When Employed by a Corporation:

Corporate Titles: Elegants serving a corporation for an extended period may be awarded an executive title, such as "Chief Diplomatic Officer" or "Vice President of Strategic Relations," elevating their role and responsibilities within the organization.
Board Membership: Exceptional Elegants could be offered a seat on the corporation's board, giving them a say in the company's overall strategy and long-term goals.
These titles, whether granted by the Emperor or a corporation, add yet another layer of prestige and influence to the Elegant's role. They are not just ceremonial but come with real power and responsibilities, making the prospect of long-term employment with a single employer more attractive for some Elegants.


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