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Chilperic Diggle

A halfling bard who once traveled the world as an adventurer but has since abandoned that career for a much quieter one. Why only he knows.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Chilperic is fairly short, even for Halflings, and has quite a stomach. He is by no means strong but is quite agile.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Chilperic grew up in the quiet village of Sillebo, located in the Halfling country named Jesta. A farming village just like so many others in the areas, life is usually pretty simple for its inhabitants. I say usually, becasue halflings are notoriously fun-loving and free-spirited. A halfling party is quite the experience indeed. And Chilperic fell in love with these events. He particularly loved the music that would boom throughout the fields, often lead by his father Gornepuf, whose playing of the lute would astound the audience. Even before he could handle its weight Chilperic would pick at the strings of his father's instrument.   As Chilperic grew into a young man he would join his father on stage. But after doing this for three years, Chilperic realized that the often quiet life of Sillebo was not for him. So he said goodbye to his loving mother, his inspiring father and the only home he had known to explore the world.   And explore he did. He traveled from town to town, making his bread and water from the music he played. He played in streets, taverns, ballrooms, circuses, really anywhere his services were needed. But despite the success he had at every stop of his journey, he wouldn't stay for long. Because somehow Chilperic was always able to find himself in some big trouble, making him flee the scene with his newly earned pouch of gold.   A perfect example would be during the wedding of Mayor Frondor's daughter. Chilperic had been hired as a "walking bard", going from table to table and playing for the guests. Everything was going well, but while re-strumming his lute in a back room, Chilperic overheard a conversation. Insatiably curious, he peaked out of the door to see two tall men, dressed in fancy dark robes, talking about how they would "deal with the target". One of the men handed a strange cylinder-like object to the other, before scurrying along in opposite directions. For a moment, Chilperic leaned back and hesitated. He shouldn't get involved. But all the same he found himself following the man who now the held the strange item, cursing himself along the way. They walked to a staircase that was watched by a single guard. The robed man stopped and talked to the guard, who stepped to the side and let the man go upstairs. Since he knew he wouldn't be let upstairs, he pretended to be drunk, stumbled up to the staring guard and played a strange tune. While the guard was initially irritated, he started looking drowsy and fell to the stairs, snoring as he slept.   When Chilperic caught up to the strange man, he was standing by a balcony overlooking the wedding ceremony that was now underway. In the cloth on his wrist was fitted a crossbow-like mechanism, which he had fitted the cylinder object into. And his arm was pointing at the bride. It didn't take a second for Chilperic to realize what was happening, and in even less time his Halfling-legs were already running. He ran up to the man, grabbed his lute like a mace and swung it across the man's knees. The lute broke into pieces, the strings making the weirdest noise, and the man completely lost his balance and fell down the balcony, landing with a loud thud.   The silence was deafening for a couple of seconds. Then the entire room was gripped with panic. Everyone were either screaming, running or pointing to the halfling who overlooked the horrendous scene. Chilperic could see that several guards were running to the stairs where he came from. Still shocked from his actions, he sprinted across the corridors, avoiding guards as best as he could. But eventually he was cornered and was forced to jump out the window into the garden below. Chilperic then spent the entire night running and hiding throughout the cold, rough streets.   This was Chilperic's life in a nutshell, constantly changing, never knowing what tomorrow brings, and always having to be on the move.   Not long after this Chilperic found himself working alongside a group of adventurers, whose company would dramatically change the halfling. While initially hired for construction, they found themselves on a long adventure hunting a dragon-worshipping cult. And while they did succeed, the jouney scarred Chilperic, in particular an encounter with a fellow Halfling and the betrayal of a friend.   Realizing that this life is not for him, Chilperic decided to settle down, opening a tavern in the land of Fyre, where he can still be found to this day.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
3618 86 Years old
Wavy brown
0,9 m
50 kg


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