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Session 2: The Dwarven Crypt

General Summary

After preparing and having Pander scout the area beforehand, the group ventured down. They soon noticed that the skeletons seemed to have pulled back and left the first hall empty. The party went north into the hall where the map had indicated a hidden door, which Ùshrir noticed immediately. After quickly dealing with the two skeletons guarding the entrance, they opened the door to find a large storage area. Inside Hanz noticed movements, which turned out to be a thief who had snuck inside to steal before the halls were overrun by undead and was then locked inside by the skeleton horde outside. On Ùshrir's behest, they took the thief with them and turned him in to the local authorities. The guards also ventured down and secured the area the party had cleared out.   The party continued onward the southern halls, and toward the entrance to the tombs. After swiftly clearing away the remaining undead they ventured down into the spirit-ridden crypt. After sneaking around for a bit and clearing some halls, they found a spirit, which Ùshrir recognized as a wraith. A shadow-spirit of vengeance and anger. They decided not to engage, but as they tried to sneak by, a clumsy mistake alerted the spirit to their presence. A fight broke out and after the noise alerted the other wraiths to their location, the party found themselves overwhelmed by the spirits. Pander, paralysed by fear backed away into the crypt, leaving the two veterans to take the brunt of the blows.    Ùshrir, with his hammer being enhanced by Hanz's magical runes, did manage to get a lot of good sweeps into the wraiths but their intangible forms proved difficult to injure. But he and Hanz did manage to repel one of the wraiths, but the two new arrivals proved to much for them. Not until Hanz fell down to the wraiths strength-draining claws of the wraiths did Pander jump back to aid them, after having found the Holy water Ùshrir had blessed for him. He splashed the wraith with the water, which burned it and made it flee. But as it ran it turned out that the water had made its form tangible and prevented it from phasing through walls.    With this revelation, it proved easy for the halfling and the dwarf to destroy the last two wraiths. But when they turned to help the old man up again they realised that it was too late. Hanz Kramph had fallen during the battle. They took his body and brought it back up, where the guards had now formed a new perimeter by the entrance of the crypt, and made sure that Hanz got a proper burial.
Shards of Power
Pander Pimpos Flintfellow
Ùshrir Akrul
Lawful Neutral Mountain Dwarf (Soldier)
Paladin 6
54 / 54 HP
Hanz Krampf
Report Date
05 Mar 2023
Primary Location


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