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Session 3: Umber Threat

General Summary

After seeing that Hanz's remains were taken care of, Ùshrir and Pander decided they needed reinforcements. After getting some well-needed rest at the local tavern known as the Broken Book, the two parted ways to search for likely candidates. Pander went to the less-than-stellar parts of town and found three youngsters captivated by the halfling's speech about becoming heroes. He brought these with him and outfitted them with the cheapest gear he could find before bringing them to the Broken Book.   At the same time, Ùshrir managed to find a very peculiar character in the tavern. A half-naked man with a mohawk and a staff. He introduced himself as Jerrycoy Lefouj. The man was waiting for his master, Thomas, whom he ensured was remarkable in every way. They were sent to deal with the undead threat that had befallen the town, but Jerrycoy had arrived a bit earlier than his companion. He agreed to help the party down in the crypts. When Pander later arrived with his entourage the party once more delved into the tombs, despite opposition from the town guard.    Down in the crypt, they found that they seemingly had cleared it of wraiths, but one room remained, and it seemed to be beset by a large insectoid being. The party prepared for battle, but as they shot the first arrow into the beast it just turned towards them and tried to shoo them away. Two shots later it seemed really annoyed but didn't engage. Not until a fourth shot was fired by Pander. Then it charged through the group and fell upon Pander with its massive claws. One of the dwarf youngsters fled before Jerrycoy tried to talk to it with the use of his magic.    It turned out to be a cursed dwarven noble named Arasim Flatchin who had been transformed by the vampire that had stolen the shard of Reimar's Hammer. He told them that the Vampire's name was Lazarus. To aid the poor noble, who was unable to eat in his new form, they went to fetch a cleric named Father Bennil of the church of Torag. He would be able to use his wisdom to aid the nobleman. And he would be but needed a special ingredient to undo the curse. A still unalive undead. The party left the crypt to prepare to set out to the nearby canyon to search for more undead.
Shards of Power
Pander Pimpos Flintfellow
Ùshrir Akrul
Lawful Neutral Mountain Dwarf (Soldier)
Paladin 6
54 / 54 HP
Jerrycoy Lefouj
Report Date
11 Mar 2023
Primary Location


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