Ardennian Family Organization in The Two Continents | World Anvil

Ardennian Family

Powerful family in Sphera who are rumored to be desended from the Pendragons, and maybe even Arthur himself. There are also historians that believe Saori Mey, who married into the family, is the legendary Snow White.   The family has been one of the most powerful families in the Ixidor province for centuries, once being the royal family of Ixidor. They have always been famed warriors, with Ardennians taking part in every major war Sphera has been involved in for the last 400 years.   King Jaiden Ardennian ruled over Ixidor from 355 to 375 and was heavily involved in the treaty to join the four provinces together to form one Sphera. Thirteen Ardennians fought in the final war. The Ardennian family has been heavily involved in Spheran military and law enforcement since. Specializing in martial arts and numerous weapons and general hand to hand combat skills, they are viewed by most to be the greatest fighters in Sphera.   The family is extensive, although currently is less than they used to be, there are many cousins family groups still. The Ardennians currently have sixteen family members serving across the branches of Spheran military and are in control of Bluestone Manor.  


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