Bluestone Manor Building / Landmark in The Two Continents | World Anvil

Bluestone Manor

Bluestone Manor is home to the Ardennian family and offices of the Bureau of Curious Cases. It is considered by many to be the most haunted place on the Two Continents.   Designed and built by Montgomery J. Blustone in 500 AGB as an Esra embassy in Sphera. he sought to build a marvel beyond what anyone had created before. A master in matters of combining magic in inanimate material, Bluestone built a home that was as much magic energy as it was brick. It took careful planning and intricate construction to make, and when it was finished, it a first of its kind even for the Esra; a home with magic so much at its core that some questioned if it was alive. Bluestone’s manor served as a place of learning that gathered resources from all over The Two Continents, and it was even a diplomatic hall where nations met on neutral ground and brokered several major agreements…and declared one war.   Then in 533 AGB, rising Esra politician Arthur Penbreaker was put in charge of Bluestone. Penbreaker was a cunning and powerful man, who sought to understand the true depths of how far magic could go, and he felt Bluestone was just the place to do it. Seeking to push all known boundaries of magic, he created a splinter cell of Esra who began experiments delving into forbidden and dangerous types of magic. Once word reached the Esra, they demanded he step down, but Penbreaker had gotten far too powerful by then. He dug deeper and deeper, and became something far more than any Esra had become. And many people paid the price, subjects of his experiments or brave heroes who tried to stop him and met a terrible end as he explored magic that was never meant to touch this realm, magic that demons themselves would turn away from. Penbreaker himself is said to have become something bigger than a man, something darker, a force that world had never seen before and was on the verge of unleashing that darkness onto the world.   Eventually a joint Spheran and Esra force, stormed Bluestone Manor. Where Penbreaker thought he had the power of Bluestone to defend him, the house seemed to turn on him, rendering much of his and his minions magic useless. In a climactic battle, William Ardennian I defeated Penbreaker and the Spherans retook the Manor. Esra were called in to purify Bluestone, but in the following decades repeated tragedy would befall it, and many more victims would be claimed with mysterious death after mysterious death. It came to a head when after a pleasent dinner party, Mary Ardennian murdered half her family, and then committed suicide on the grounds. After that, the famous Esra Task force, the Windwalkers were brought in to cleanse Bluestone. They fought and used everything in their power to rid the manor of the corruption that had rooted in its core. Since they finished, a peace came over the grounds, and there has not been a suspicious death since.   In 632, Nora and Shaun Ardennian created the Bureau of Curious Cases which has opperated out of Bluestone ever since. Currently, it is still home to the Ardennian Family. Bluestone remains something created by good, possessed by evil, and now, no one is really sure of the truth of what it is.
Founding Date
500 AGB
Mansion / Villa
Characters in Location


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