Arthur Penbreaker Character in The Two Continents | World Anvil

Arthur Penbreaker

History Authur Penbreaker was an Esra scientist who became notorious in the 500's for his illegal experiments and actions against Sphera and the Esra.   Born in 497 AGB to a wealthy family, Arthur Penbreaker was noted to be a quiet, but brilliant student. He was viewed by many as a loner, and his blunt and brash personality often clashed with others. He graduated from Laurel University top of his class with Tier 1 Honors and a major in Scientific Magic.   Penbreaker had a number of roles in the Esra science field, joining the government in 525. In 533, he was appointed as the head of Bluestone Manor in the small town of Eerie Creek Creek in @Sphera. This is a move that historians still question, as he was not qualified for the position. Many believed he used influence to get himself the position.   Starting in 535, a record number of disappearances happened in Eerie Creek. Over time, rumors began to circulate that Penbreaker was responsible for the disappearances and even that he was performing experiments on people. In 535, a young military officer stationed in Bluestone escaped and brought to light that these rumors were true. Penbreaker was asked to step down on September 5th, 535. Penbreaker gave no response. When they sent a military team to remove him, they sent back the commanding officer's head as a response.   During his time in control of Bluestone, many accounts and theories suggest he was experimenting with the energy of the manor itself in attempts to become more powerful. Some say he greatly achieved this and became something more than human. Those who were prisoners or under his command have various descriptions of him all surrounded in fear and awe.   In November of 535, a joint force of Esra and Spherans led by William Ardennian I stormed Bluestone. WIlliam Ardennian defeated Penbreaker in combat, and he was destroyed. Witnesses said he disintegrated into nothing when struck. Some ventured that he somehow escaped the fight, but he never resurfaced, putting most of those theories to rest.   Legacy Penbreaker's actions brought about two dozen new laws on the use of energy, as well as the power given to diplomats and many other Esra leadership positions.   Features Penbreaker was described as a massive man. Some say he was 6'5" or 6'6" and loomed over most. He was stoic, and frank when he spoke. He was said to be charismatic when he gave speaches. Many who were liberated from his command claimed to not realize what they were a part of because of how convincing he was.
45 (died)
Date of Birth
April 5, 479
Date of Death
November 23, 535
479 AGB 535 AGB 56 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by William Ardennian I in battle
New Eris
Place of Death
Raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale skin
6'5" - 6'6"


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