Mary Ardennian Character in The Two Continents | World Anvil

Mary Ardennian

Sometimes known as 'Mad Mary.'   Daughter of Angela Ardennian. Famously murdered her husband John Hodge and her sister Dianna Ardennian in Bluestone Manor, and attempting to kill her niece Andrea Townsend before throwing herself off of the third story and dying from the fall. No one is certain what made her do this. Some believe she discovered an affair, others blame the house itself, or ghosts in the house for driving her mad.   She was described as kind and quiet. She'd never displayed any signs of aggressive behavior before or had any violent incidents. People reported her becoming increasingly aggitated and distant after she and her sister moved into Bluestone, leading to theories about her sanity.   Legacy Her murders became notorious around Eerie Creek, resulting in a popular dark and twisted nursery rhyme "Mad Mary."    
587 AGB 620 AGB 33 years old


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