
The study of Magic Energy based on astrology and energy color.   Widely viewed to be pseudo-science, metalogy is the study of a person's hue and its meaning. Those who follow it believe that a person's hue is connected to the stars and has connection to their personalities and being. The widely accepted scientific view is that color is determined by genetics.   Pale Blue - Sailor Sailors are in the Adventurer family and cousin to the Laborer. The Sailor is the business end of the adventurer. They don’t often walk the same path as others and usually want to make their own trail. They can be travelers. They thrive in their own way, and in their element, they are kings and queens. The path of a sailor can sometimes go down routes that don’t fit into common categories. Others may not always understand the Sailor, or their path, but usually sailors are just fine with that. They get what they're doing and they're happy doing it and that's all that matters. The Sailor will still make strong connections with the people they choose to connect to. They are just more careful with who they decide to be around. With pale blue, the Sailor has the closest color to the Outlier, which is not a coincidence. They are the next most likely to not follow the crowd, and they at times do not feel like they fit into an expected mold, and they are perfectly happy with that. They make strong friends. They are good workers, but great when they are doing their own thing either working alone or running a business. Sailors are clever and not easily fooled by others.   Cyan - The Gambler The Gambler is in the Adventurer Family. They do not enjoy being predictable, and they can get bored easily following the trends that many others do. Gamblers often have laid-back demenors and want to enjoy life. They aren’t afraid to take chances, and are willing to accept the penalties that come with failing those chances. They live for the thrill of something new, something special that wouldn’t have come had they played it safe. They believe that you can’t reach amazing things if you don’t aim incredibly high and that’s exactly what they’re going to do. They are good at reading people and good at reading situations. They are caring friends and family, although their level of unpredictability can lead to a varying of relationships with the people around them ranging anywhere from consistent to chaotic. The latter could result in stress for the people around them. It all depends on how grounded the Gambler is, and how much they can moderate their unpredictability. Those who do typically can be extremely successful both in personal lives and financially in general. They have a habit of being the center of the party, or may be the wild or loud one in their group of friends.   Light Blue - The Explorer Explorers are in the Adventurer family. They have the urge to see new places, and experience new things. The explorer has a drive to learn, and they want to be hands-on in doing it. These journeys can be literal or metaphorical going from stage to stage in their own life, whether people, professions or other. They are often personable people and can make friends very easily. This doesn’t mean they are completely extroverted though. They can be happy journeying with people, and they can be happy journeying alone, and sometimes they have to be. Those close to the explorer are not always on the same path. This can leave the explorer, while able to make many friends, feeling isolated and lost in their own thoughts. They have a drive to help people wherever they go, and usually can. They are resourceful, clever, and resilient. Explorers are usually good workers, but they also firmly believe in getting away from work and cherishing the other things in life. They don't want to spend their lives thinking about living, they want to do it.   Cobalt Blue - The Soldier The Soldier is a member of the Warrior family, cousin to the healer. They are natural protectors who care about the people in their life. They care about people they don’t know. They live for service, and they want to be in positions of responsibility because they feel they can handle it better than others. If a job needs to be done, they’re going to do it, and well. They are very likely to have selfless causes they believe in and will want to act on those causes. They sometimes feel a deep empathy for others, sometimes too much as their moods can be easily affected. Soldiers can feel unnecessary guilt, and it can cause them pain, or they can be overly self critical. Soldiers have high expectations for themselves, and don’t like to fail living up to them. They are hard workers and typically extremely reliable. They are fierce to defend friends or family or anything they deem as morally right. They have no problem putting a person in their place they feel is out of line. They typically have a good amount of friends because they are drawn to people and people to them, but disillusioned guardians can end up being alone often. Soldiers put their hearts on their sleeves and are very vulnerable to becoming crushed or betrayed. They are hard workers and can either be team players, or good by themselves. They prefer to be in the trenches and in the field doing work as opposed to on the sidelines.   Dark Blue - The Detective The Detective falls under the Warrior family, but is cousin to the Scholar. They have a need to solve a problem in front of them. They ask questions; a lot of questions. They are driven by logic and reason, but have the creativity to see an intriguing or out-of-the-box solution to a problem. They often seek to help people solve the issues they have. They have no issue putting a lot on their own shoulders. They are not deterred by setbacks or failure, but rather driven by them. They often make good leaders and are good communicators within a team. People often count on them, and they know it and will do what it takes to come through. They always seek for improvement and perfection, and they have high expectations for themselves. They feel great empathy for others, but are not often controlled by emotion. They typically believe highly in morals and doing what they view as "the right thing." Detectives are extremely thoughtful, and are always analyzing and investigating. They vary from very friendly to very off-putting. They are capable of developing deep relationships, but only with the right people. They find few people are on their wavelength, so some may find themselves lonely at times. They, similar to the Analyst, can either view humanity in a strong or weak light depending on their own experiences, which can determine their overall faith in or attitude towards others.   Midnight blue - The general The General is in the Warrior family and is cousin to the Scholar and Laboror. They are born leaders. They are often very intelligent, and that can include book or street smarts. Either way, they're able to evaluate a situation and more often than not, confidentaly make a decision. They are big picture thinkers who can process information that others may miss. They can look at sitautions from different points of view. They have high expectations of themselves and are big self-critics. They have to be in order to make the best decisions both for themselves and in leadership positions for others. They prefer to be the one making that decision because they trust themselves, and don't necessarily trust others. They are fantastic workers because they seek to learn the insides and outside of a job. It usually isn't long before a General is in position to advance into a leadership role. Generals usually make good family members and friends because they are often looking out for the people they care about. The General struggles sometimes to have faith in others though, and many times is unhappy not being the one making the calls. They can view humanity in different ways, but are aptly aware humans are capable of good and evil. They respect people, but their regard must be earned.   Light teal - The actor The Actor is a member of the Artisan family and a cousin to the Diplomat. Actors often are very good at the things they do, and they know it. They are often not lacking in confidence, but it's confidence with good reason. They are driven, motivated, and often have a good amount of energy. Actors can become bored easily, so they like to work jobs that keep them interested. They aren't overly bothered by pressure and sometimes can even welcome it. They typically handle stress well, and don't let it affect them in their day-to-day lives, or at work. Actors are typically good workers and they are someone who usually can be counted on to get a job done and get it done well. They have no issue speaking about the things they know, and no issue sharing their opinions, and they can be extremely opinionated. They are often personable and friendly as well as charismatic. They are often good in group settings. They can be realist or idealist, but more often the latter.   Blue Teal - The Musician Musicians are in the Artisan family and are cousins to the Scholar and the Mathematician. They are often extremely talented at the things they do and enjoying every moment. They are improvisors, adaptors, they can create and change and expand to grow themselves and their abilities. A musician could change very much over a few years in both personality and skill. Sometimes it might not even be like looking at the same person. But it doesn’t mean they’ve changed for the better, or even the worst, but just transitioned into something new. Some musicians learn from all these experiences and grow and become something bigger, and others stay constant. They believe in enjoying life and living every moment through every experience. They usually have a lot of friends and are generally well liked in their groups. They have a wave of unpredictability though. They often are on a wild ride through life, and the only question is whether they embrace it, or are stressed by it.   Green Teal - The Artist Artists are in the Artisan family and are cousins to the Mathematician, Scholar, and the Warrior. Artists are typically extremely talented at what they do. They usually have a specific set of focuses or one skill in which their ability is often unmatched. But where the Musician explores and expands, the Artist focuses on the skill they love and grows. They are typically perfectionists. They can be geniuses and perceive a select set of things with detail and ease where others may find difficulty. They can be extremely self-critical. They expect nothing but the best from themselves, because they know they are capable of it. If they don’t achieve it, it’s because they failed, and they know it. Artists can at times become frustrated and even get burnt out or reject their own passions. Artists are great workers because they cannot stand to leave something incomplete or to do something halfway. They are extremely reliable. Artists can either be loners, have a small group of friends, or many friends, but sometimes letting people into the things they are passionate about though is another story. That can be personal to them, and you have to be "in" to get a true glimpse. They are very protective of family and friends.   Dark Teal - The Athlete The Athlete is in the Artisan family and are cousins to both the Laborer and Warrior. They can seem to be good at anything and everything they do. It doesn’t matter if it’s a new trade, musician instrument, sport, tool, game, they have the understanding and ability to be successful very quickly. They are fast learners, and they are highly intelligent. You don’t become good at things without quickly understanding what something is. They can find work in almost any field. They are typically personable and get along with many people. They are usually either extremely humble, or extremely cocky. Either way they are confident in themselves because they know what they are capable of. They are very self-critical though, and expect the best from themselves because they know they can give it. They are good teachers and are usually very encouraging of others. They know they’re often better than others at things, and aren’t looking to make people feel bad about it...unless sometimes it’s a competitor.   Dark Green - The Researcher The Researcher is in the scholar family and often is very good at retaining and understanding information quickly. They seek to understand why things are the way they are. They have a love for learning whether they’re conscious of it or not, and their memory is often fantastic. They see logic better than most because they can decipher challenging and complicated information easily. They look for in depth and strong relationships with people, and shallowness bothers them. They can sometimes, ironically enough, be very messy in life. But there is order to their chaos in their mind. They fluctuate on being good around people and being loners, but they are typically hard workers and good at their jobs. A Researcher sometimes can get frustrated easily when something isn’t the way they view it as it’s supposed to be, or if things aren’t adding up how they should be. They also can get frustrated with people who can’t see logic the way they do. Some can come across as elitist.   Hunter Green - The scholar From the Scholar family, but cousin to the Warrior Family. The Analyst is often an investigator. They constantly search for the reasons behind things, including people and their patterns. They seek answers, and are often problem solvers. They often learn a great amount of knowledge, but then attempt to use that knowledge in service. They are typically good advisors in any role. They often are either an optimist or pessimist on the goodness of the human spirit. Which one it is can greatly determine how the Analyst trusts or mistrusts people. They seek to understand behavior, and often become good at predicting it. Their understanding of behavior causes them to often evaluate and reflect upon their own. They learn from their mistakes and often try to become better. They feel emotions strongly, and usually are very good friends and family to the people around them. That empathy helps them to connect to others. Their understanding of others including patterns of behavior, and people doesn’t mean they can't be surprised, especially if people are unpredictable. The Analyst is a prisoner sometimes to thinking that patterns will always repeat, and so can be wrong about outlier situations that don't fit the mold.   Light Green - The Philisopher Philosophers are in the Scholar family and cousins to the Mathematician family. They are thinkers who love to debate and discuss their thoughts. They are rooted in logic and reason. They are realists. They typically have an opinion on most things, and aren’t afraid to let other people know about it. Philosophers typically aren’t concerned with how people view them. They like to be challenged, and often look for friends or partners who will do so. They are often socially active, but sometimes their bluntness and openness can rub some the wrong way. Sometimes they may appear to think they know more than everyone else around them, and that is because they draw from logic. They can have trouble admitting they are wrong about something, but often that’s because they don’t think they are, and to their credit, they're typically right more than they're wrong. Bias can affect the philosopher more than they realize. Philosophers sometimes view themselves as truth tellers and aren’t typically ones to hide what they really think. They’re going to say what’s on their mind no matter how you feel about it.   Olive Green - The Teacher The Teacher is a member of the Scholar family but are cousins to the healer. They have a natural tendency to help others. They are very good at what they do, and they want to share that with others. They are good at supporting those close to them. Teachers often have specific interests, and they become very well versed in those interests. They typically make good parents and friends. Teachers are good at being teachers, coaches, and mentors, but they work well with almost anything that interacts with others. They are usually personable, and friendly and while they are good at their jobs, they appreciate their downtime and love some peace and quiet with a good book, or something social with friends. Teachers are usually social, and may even have a large circle of friends. If they don't, they have at least a few they really enjoy spending time with. They often are the friend that others rely on for help or guidance. They sometimes can stretch themselves too thin and can burn out. They often give more than they get back. Teachers can vary greatly on level of interest and involvement in current affairs and politics, as well as their affiliation and opinions on these things. They typically have strong opinions but won't always share them.   Yellow The Architect is in the Mathematician family and cousin to the Laborer. They are a designer; someone who has an amazing ability to see and create from scratch. Architects are often incredibly intelligent and can be perfectionists. They are the type to work from dawn until dusk. They can see the structure of how things are made up with ease. Architects often believe there must be a strong order to things. They are often extremely organized and often very neat. Architects make good leaders because of how well they can see the big picture. They are good planners, good designers, and are extremely hard workers. They struggle sometimes with dealing with ineptitude and inefficiency. They often are firm believers in the notion of "if you want something done right, do it yourself." They trust themselves to get the job done but can become frustrated if others aren’t as reliable or if they fall short. They struggle with things that are out of their control. They can be good at predicting people's behavior. Artitects can be good friends, although sometimes distant when consumed with work. They also have high expectations of the people in their lives. Architechs are often no stranger to tough love. They are typically decent at balancing their life. They'll take a break now and again.   Gold - The engineer The Engineer is in the Mathematician family, but cousins to the Scientist. They lives for improvisation. There is no problem an Engineer feels they cannot fix. They are very good at adapting to change and are fantastic under pressure. In fact, they live for it. They are hard workers, who get bored easy if they are idle. The engineer lives for chaos because they are the key to ending it. They can see answers that others can’t and can turn a no-win situation into a win. They live in the middle of organization and mess, and can be comfortable in either. They don’t need things in a certain way because they can handle any kind of state. The Engineer can either be a great team player, or a loner. Even if the later, they can typically manage working with others, even if there is conflict of personality. Engineers sometimes struggle with difficult emotions. They are not good with problems that are not capable of being quickly fixed.   Peach - The Astronomer The astronomer is in the Scientist family and cousin to the Scholar. They are by nature curious. They ask questions and will wonder why things are the way they are on both massive and specific levels. They are typically an optimist believing there is much more to the world than the eye can see. They often view the world as a place of possibility and opportunity. They cherish the idea of impacting that world. The astronomer is usually a good worker who can innovate and create in any job they do. They specialize in making life easier both for themselves and others. They believe in a quick and efficient way to solve problems. If there is a solution they are going to find it and if it doesn’t exist, they’re going to create it. The astronomer believes in the best of people and the best of humanity, but can become disillusioned when people and the world doesn’t live up to their high expectations. They search for the truth behind the secrets to life in all facets. The astronomer often can have a lot of friends, and is usually well-liked. They are typically reliable, but can have multiple projects going on at once. They often love to see new things and places.   Orange - The Biologist The Biologist is in the Scientist family and cousin to the Scholar. They often seek answers to questions they don't know, and are by nature curious. Unlike the typically idealistic Astronomers, they are more often than not realists. They are quick thinkers and usually knowledgable. They can make great leaders because they can view something extremely pragmatically and they can see the big picture of things even when others cannot. They are over-achievers in their jobs. Results matter and they can get results. They don't use excuses as reasons for not getting something done. If the solution isn't there, they'll be the ones to figure it out. They'll get the intended results or surpass them. They are usually observant and can read people well. They usually have a strong purpose in everything they do, whether or not others understand their motivations or agree with them. Unlike the Astronomer, they don't usually spend time daydreaming so much as they use their time efficiently. They can make deep connections, and when they do, they are very dedicated to them. They can struggle with the ineptitude of some others.   Scarlet Red - The Activist is in the Laborer family, but cousin to the Warrior family. They are hard workers who are usually strongly opinionated. They are often travelers. They strongly believe in what they believe in, and have no issue letting anyone know that. They strongly believe that change doesn’t happen from one’s couch, it happens in the field, so they go into the field. Volunteer work, protests, missions, civil service, if it’s trying to make a difference, the Activist is there, and they are proud to be there. The passion of the Activist can sometimes create disappointment and disillusionment. They believe that they and their causes are just and can make a difference. So if they don’t prevail, the Activist can suffer surprise, confusion, or even anger over it. The Activist is typically a good friend and family member who cares about the people in their life. Their interests and causes can bring them down different roads and they can vary from being generally introverted to completely outgoing. The activist is typically a good worker and their belief in some cause usually gives them a strong moral grounding. Whether or not others believe in those same moral is a question, but either way, the Activist will usually think they're in the right.   Scarlet Red The Chef is in the Laborer Family and is someone who is a creator and a multitasker. Typically they prefer to be hands-on in whatever they're doing. They are excellent leaders. They often work at or own businesses that do a service for people. They are tavern owners or photographers or work in the food service or any number of jobs that provide for others. Chefs are dedicated hard workers who may work several jobs at once, and be completely content in doing it. They usually do not get stressed in high-intensity situations. They think quickly and can make decisions with a clear head, even while things around them are chaotic. They may stretch themselves thin though, they often fail to remember things, including at times, made arrangements with friends or family. Their organization and dedication to their work means they rarely will, if ever, slip up with their work, but their personal acquaintances typically need to understand they have a lot going on, and that can make them distracted or forgetful in their personal lives. They greatly do enjoy their friends and family though and love being around them. Chefs often have the ability to be extremely financially successful, and they are often very generous to the people they care about. They often will be outgoing and will try almost anything once.   Crimson Red - Lumberjack The Lumberjack is in the Laborer family, but cousin to the Warrior family. They are hard workers who much prefer things in their lives the way they want it. They live for the moments when they can feel like themselves and at home and don’t ask for too much more than that. They are typically content with life as it is. That doesn’t mean they don’t ever want more, but they can typically see the happiness in what they have and appreciate the small things. They know life is not about the destination but the journey. The lumberjack has opinions on a lot of things, but won't always voice them as they don’t seek to participate in the natural arguing that often comes along with opinions on controversial topics. Those things are out of their control and so there’s no need to stress or cause stress over them. Their focus instead is on what is in front of them, and either to appreciate the moment, or to get something done that has to be done. They are loyal friends, and strong allies. They are reliable at their jobs, and others tend to lean on them when in need. They can have a lot of friends, but more often than not will be with a strong small circle, and or family. Lumberjacks are thoughtful and will research something to understand it. They are good learners and are not easily fooled by others, and typically know more than they show. The Lumberjack tells things how it is for the most part, but has enough empathy that they’ll protect people’s feelings within reason. If they know someone doesn't want to hear what they have to say, they may keep it to themselves.   Maroon - The Foreman The Foreman is in the Laborer family and cousin to the Warrior family. They often don’t believe in sitting around and letting the world pass them by. They’re going to do the work that needs to be done, and they’re going to put everything into that. Foremen are often "straight shooters," who say what they think and don't care much about how people respond. They often have strong opinions on things. Foremen are more focused on what needs to be done, and how to do it the right way so that things around them are working properly and efficiently. They make good leaders, as they are not afraid to vocalize their thoughts to others. They have no problem telling the people under them what they should be doing and what they could be doing better. They are devoted to family and friends. They don’t often do what they do for themselves, but for others. In balance of that, things that don’t affect them or their loved ones aren’t always of much concern to the Foreman. It’s not that they can’t find empathy in others’ plights, but their primary focus is what affects their daily lives and the lives of the people around them or the people under their charge. Foremen often have a decent amount of charisma, even if it isn't always traditional charisma. They often have a good amount of friends, and when someone falls into the circle of the Miner, they will drop anything in a heartbeat to help those people. They may be greatly offended if that dedication is betrayed though. Foremen do not put up with nonsense.   Pink - The Nurse Nurses are in the Healer family, but cousins to the Warrior family. They are used to being in the trenches to help people. Whether it’s in the medical field or military or law enforcement, nurses are going to put a lot on the line in order to help others. They are dedicated and selfless. They aren’t the type to question ‘What is someone doing for me?’ when they decide to help someone. They are usually good friends, and very social. They are strongly devoted to family. Nurses can struggle when they give more of themselves than they can handle. They also can be affected if people in their lives are repeatedly not showing the same devotion to them that the nurse shows. Nurses can be selfless, but it doesn’t mean they are okay with being disrespected. They will never wish bad upon anyone, but they know what they bring to the table, and will not tolerate that being dismissed.   Dark Pink - The Naturopath The Naturopath in the healer family and is cousin to the adventurer. They are usually optimistic and can see beauty in the world, even on a rainy day. They like for things to move slow, so they can appreciate what’s in front of them and around them. They don’t need a lot to be happy, because they can find the good in what they have. They typically are laid back themselves, though their personalities can vary from calm to wild. It takes a lot to get the Naturopath angry or upset, and when they do they can handle it well. They are typically good workers because they are usually content and happy people usually will work more efficiently. However, they don't want to be bogged down with work. Life is meant to be lived. The Naturopath can struggle sometimes with difficult times, because they prefer calm seas over stormy ones. Their optimistic nature can help them weather the storm though, and they won’t let the bad times get to them too much. They usually have a good amount of friends and are generally good in social settings. They are typically very empathetic and are appreciative of nature. They often like social settings but are able to truly appreciate the quiet as well. The Nauropath can see the good in a bad situation and the good in bad people, but this idealism can sometimes lead the Naturopath to be gravely disappointed when things or people don't live up to their hopes or vision.   Lavender - The therapist The therapist is traditionally in the healer family, though some variations have them in the Diplomat family and either way they are cousins to the Scholar. Typically therapists take on the stress of other people because they know they can handle it. They are often a confidant of friends and family. They are good listeners, and if they make judgements at all, they keep them to themselves. They are reliable, and will put their relationships with friends and family above their work. Nothing is more important to them than the people they care about. They are often thinking of others, and this can drain upon them. They give themselves out to too many people and things and often can neglect themselves and their own mental health. The therapist often finds themselves in situations where they aren’t getting the same back that they’re giving, and they accept that as normal, to their own detriment.   Violet - The Mediator The mediator is in the Diplomat family. They are usually calm and relaxed. They aren’t typically overcome with adrenaline or anger, and aren’t affected by emotion as much as others might be. Because of this, they can usually look at a situation with clear eyes. They seek out the same calm around them that they feel themselves, and hate fighting. They will strive to achieve peace at all costs. Their comfortable and convincing nature often is received with consideration. The mediator is often in this roll in whatever job they do, and with that roll they earn trust of the people around them. They generally advance pretty quickly in their professions. They aren’t known for taking sides, or having very firm opinions on things. They stay away from controversial topics and do not get wrapped up in the arguments they seek to end. Mediators usually have a good amount of friends and are well trusted. They are particularly good at reading people, and can use that in their daily lives. They don't miss many things.   Purple - The politician The Politican is in the diplomat family. They are at comfort when the pressure is on and they are in front of people. They know how to talk, and they know how to be convincing. The Politican is good in the spotlight and good in individual conversation. They are excellent leaders, as they can rally people around them with charm and charisma. They can convince a person to agree with them, or they can convince a crowd to agree with them. The Politican is extremely persuasive, and this can be for good or not. The Politican is typically very busy, and a hard worker. They believe in being prepared, and they believe in doing their research. They don’t speak often without knowing what they’re talking about, and while they can improvise, they are much more comfortable being an expert about something and being confident in what they are saying. That being said they are usually educated enough to speak on a number of issues. When they do, they can get nearly anyone to at least hear them out. Politicans can be expert salesmen, or expert rulers and anything in between that brings a following. They are typically a good friend whether they have a small or larger group around them.   Dark Purple The Diplomat is obviously in the Diplomat family and is cousin to the Scholar. They are a master of communication and are typically very intelligent. They are realists. They know how people think, and they know how to speak to them. Merchants are behaviorists that understand people. They have a keen awareness of the world and how it works. They succeed in their professions similar to the mediator because they know how to talk to people, and typically will earn trust. They are personable people who will often have friends, but only very few people they actually trust themselves. Their understanding of humanity makes them naturally untrusting of others. They understand how to get things the way they want them. This is not to say Diplomats are manipulative, but they are typically capable of manipulation, as they are capable of amazing advice. The merchant does not need to know what they are talking about to sound like they do. The Merchant usually thinks quickly enough on their feet to present themselves as a master of anything.


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