Oath Settlement in The Unbecause | World Anvil
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The town of Oath sits on the southernmost bank of the shore of Lake of Faith, located in the center of The Great Labyrinth Forest, in the lands of Vallia. The town was founded on the shores of the lake when peoples migrating into the forest discovered the magical lake of faith, and learned that it's water was almost pure alchohol.


The history of Oath is wrought with hardship and loss. It is not without much peril that After the city of Logansport was established on the mouth of **** river, settlers from Vallen, as well as other migrants from far off-lands sought to explore The Great Labyrinth Forest further and uncover what mysteries might be found within. Several groups and caravans had struck off in all directions from logansport. One small group in particular heading southwest from logan would face some incredible peril.
    Several days out from the city of Logansport and the party, comprised of 4 horses in total split between 2 wagons, 4 mercenary guards, 3 farmers and their wives and children, and a few journeymen looking to strike off on their own, started to experience some rather strange happenings. Towards the end of their first week of journeying through the strange Labyrinth forest, the group began to find that many of their possessions and food began to go missing. First, blaming the occurences on unfortunate happenstance and misplacement/forgetfulness, eventually a greater concern began to arise.
  After several more days of traversing unconventional land and dense forest, the unrest and low morale from the onsetting famine, while establishing camp and sending the able bodied men to hunt, from the trees descended a stalking band of Labyrinthian Elves, which had been stalking and stealing from the caravan for days. Unable to defend themselves, the the remaining sick men, the women, and children of the camp we subjected to whims of the Elves, who at this time were incredibly angry at these new peoples settling their land, diluting their riverways, and venturing deeper into their sacred heartland. The elves who ambushed the camp were greater in number and strength, and their deeds neigh unspeakable. It was not until later in the evening that the men had returned to camp with a small dinner, only to find carnage had befallen them. Any man that remained at the camp was found in what little pieces of him might remain, most of the children simply gone, and any of the women who were not raped and killed also not present.
Founding Date
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Owning Organization


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