The Elf Wars Military Conflict in The Unbecause | World Anvil
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The Elf Wars

The Elf Wars was a decade long series of bloody confrontations between the humans of The Kingdom of Vallia and the Labyrinthian Elves- as both groups stived for ultimate control of The Great Labyrinth Forest.

The Conflict


The Great Elf Wars was offically declared a victory by the The Kingdom of Vallia, when the last great Labyrinthian Grove of Marlboro was sacked and destroyed, later being replaced with a traditional Vallonian town but keeping the same name. It was determined that with their last great bastion being destroyed, and the number of Labyrinthian Elves so low, that the war was more or less over, and any remaining elves would dissipate into the forest or leave for new lands.



As it was approximated that at least 90% of Labyrinthian Elves were wiped out in the elf wars, the remaining refugees fled deep into the uncharted wilds of the The Great Labyrinth Forest, existing in small, tight-knit communes. As the number of elves was so low, in order to ensure the continuance of their species, the Elves practiced incest between family members in order to bolster their population. Due to the incessant incest, the Labyrinthian elves of today are often found deformed and mentally deficient, with nary a true un-corrupted elf ever to be seen.


After the war, many vallonians grew up, and many generations had gone without ever encountering a Lab. Elf in their lives. Of course, those who lived through and served in the elf wars had only hatred and spite for them, and these predjuiced were passed onto future generations, and exists in vallia to this day. Many establishment in vallia are anti-elven, even those elves from far off places, as their hatred from the elf wars continues.

Historical Significance


Every year, on the first day of summer, Vallonians celebrate 'The Day of Peace', which is a celebration of their victory over the elves. During this time, people all over the kingdom celebrate in various ways, including drinking, partying and incredible amounts of merriment. It is typical that in many towns effigies of elves are constructed, so that the children may beat on them with wooden weapons, and many of the adults who are keen enough strike into the forest with their bows and arrows, swords and spears, in an attempt to hunt down any remanent elves who exist in their foest camps.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
1313 BW
Ending Date
0 AW


The Kingdom of Vallia

Led by



Roughly 7,000 to 10,000 - Including civilians



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