William Constantine
Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant Major William Percy Constantine, MM (a.k.a. Crapgame)
In terms of time spent in infantry, the least experienced of the Warrant Officers of the 1st Solent Rifles is The Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant Major, First Battalion's SM.
Bill Constantine was formerly with the 9th regiment Royal Logistic Corps (Supply), so despite not having much infantry experience, his career has made him uniquely qualified within the Rifles to deal with the exigencies that supplying a three active battalion regiment brings. Especially, when put into the perspective of the wildly different mission profiles of the the 3 battalions.
His other major role within the regiment is the Battalion Sergeant Major of 1st battalion, which is his first role when the shooting starts.
Physical Description
General Physical Condition
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Despite his incredibly English name, RQSM William Constantine was born in 2941 on the Victoria, BC, to unknown parents but presumably they were Indian. He was thought to be only 6 months old, when he was found abandoned, and was given his current name when he was adopted by Timothy and Peter Constantine.
A man of middling intelligence, Bill completed his secondary education and without much of a life plan became a driver/radio operator for the RLC.
After spending nearly 20 years with the RLC, Bill was a Staff Sergeant Major, bored and unfilled, his regiment having been taken out of frontline service for 2 years and not having an RSM or Conductor appointment, he had very little to do.
So when he heard about the new Solent Corps forming, and a chance to have a infantry posting came up Constantine jumped at it. Constantine met Alastair Macgregor and Patrick Ironsides in the summer of 2980 whilst they were on a layover on their way to the prison colony on Rigel beta, and discovered that the three got on instantly. Macgregor was charmed by Constantine's dodgy puns, but also his understanding of the role of the RQSM. He also showed that he understood the fundamentals of the WOI in an light infantry regiment which helped him win over Ironsides. Before their layover was done, Macgregor had signed the transfer documents for the appointment of a new RQSM.
Gender Identity
Secondary upto A-level, including Maths, Physics and Ecomics.
Infantry Battle School, Fort Benning Advanced Infantry School: Warrant Officer Training.
RLC SNCO Courses: On Station.
Appointment and Unit. (Rank and approx time held)
Staff Sergeant Major 9th Regiment RLC (Warrant Officer I, 2 years)Quartermaster Sergeant Major 3rd Squadron; 1st Battalion; 9th Regiment RLC (WOII, 4 years 6 months)
Quartermaster Sergeant 3rd Sqdn; 1st Batt; 9th Regiment RLC (Staff Sergeant, 2 Year 3 months)
Platoon Sergeant 8th Platoon; 3rd Sqdn; 1st Batt; 9th Regiment RLC (Sergeant, 3 years 9 months)
2nd Fire team leader 8th plt; 3rd Sqdn; 1st Batt; 9th Regiment RLC (Corporal, 2 years)
Delta team leader 8th Plt; 3rd Sqdn; 1st Batt; 9th Regiment RLC (lance corporal, 1 year 9 months)
Delta team 8th Plt; 3rd Sqdn; 1st Batt; 9th Regiment RLC (Private 2 Year 9 months)
Accomplishments & Achievements
List of Awards for Gallantry and Service.
Military MedalLong Service and Good Conduct * (2970, 2980)
7 General Service Medals
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Regimental Quarter Sergeant Major William Constantine MM
Serial Number
Year of Birth
2941 CE
41 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
No idea who his biological parents were. Found by the police and placed into foster care with the Constantines.
Victoria, British Colombia Colony, Canadian Sector, North American Supersector
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Indian
Aligned Organization