The God of Truth

The third array fragment to arrive on Earth was one made of the element of fire. The collision with Earth happened in what is present day Siberia, causing extreme thermal energy to radiate throughout the Earth resulting in extreme volcanic activity. The sudden extreme jump in CO2 led to extreme climate changes and the third extinction event to happen in the history of Earth, the Permian Extinction.   By this point life on Earth had grown to be more substantial. The establishment of multiple new species, and more importantly the massive expanse of land animals of the period, led to a much more intense form of energy to gestate the array fragment to Geocarpic Omniscient Particle status. This God started on the back of the extinction as an almost neutral entity, but as life began to grow more and more, a new ungoverned trait of mortal life on Earth began to rapidly become the forefront of the history of Earth. This trait was evolution, and the expansion of the types of species available. This was taken on by the God, giving to what we refer to as the God of Growth period.   Being evolution was its main focus at this point, it was only natural that at a point in which it seemed appropriate, this God evolved as well. This evolution event is referred to as the humanization as it not only resulted in the evolution of the   The effects of Highmortals on It then led to it becoming what it is now know as today, The God of Truth.   Early forms of man all shared one main trait across all of the Earth, curiosity to discover the meaning for themselves and the world, and all the treasures within. The world was a place of nothing but wonders and unknowns. Dangers and demons, and gods and beasts. This curiosity to learn the truth was what caused the formation of the current form of the God of Truth.   Practitioners that serve the God of Truth tend to do just that, uncover truth in the world and root out lies. This can manifest in many ways, one being professionally by taking up jobs such as police, or prosecutors and judges. Another is more academic through scholarly pursuits of historical discovery.
"The God of Truth is a true neutral entity, as the truth as no regards for morality. This neutrality is the one aspect that seems to be more take it or leave it when it comes to followers of the God."
  • Guild of Architecture

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