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Sick and tired of it


  Death is unquestionably the most powerful of the Gods that roam the vast Universe. Since the ages of the Gods are determined by power, not birth order, he found himself considered the eldest and de facto leader, much to his dismay. Despite the creation of Soulbound being his idea, he's entirely too busy to flit his time away making any himself between his various self-inflicted responsibilities that he refuses to delegate into the hands of the brats surrounding him.    


Death is a tall, athletic humanoid with black, shaggy hair that looks like it's never seen a brush and jet black eyes with white pupils. The skin of his upper body is medium brown with black tattooing across his face and torso, and his lower body is black fabric that he often leaves flowing like robes but can form into legs if the situation calls for it. The four copper-colored tentacles that extrude from his back seem to move with a life of their own, but they spend most of their time concealed beneath the Soul Beacon Cloak, so the Gods often forget he even has them. He favors dark clothing with a lot of belts to hold his various tools, chief of which are the Elyr and the Book of Names. He also sports a number of silver charms and trappings that serve purposes unknown to the rest of the Gods, and his handsome face is usually hidden beneath the Soul Beacon Cloak, with only the disapproving curve of his mouth visible to the Universe at large. He's considered devastatingly handsome by the rest of the Gods, but he's so grumpy that nobody dares do anything about it.


Death has perpetually Had Enough, but that certainly doesn't stop his siblings from pushing his buttons at every opportunity. His demeanor was always chilly, and the events that followed the departure of the Eldest pushed him to downright icy, but his reliability and impartiality make him the ideal leader for the mercurial Gods. He also has the sheer power to back up his harsh ultimatums, and the other Gods often find themselves bullied into cooperation with Death, each other, or both. Very few dare test his paper-thin temper outright, though fudging the rules a little is never out of the question when they think he’s not looking.   When he needs a quiet place to work away from the constant arguing and other infuriating noise, he has several pocket dimensions in the dark spaces outside of magic veins that he disappears to for short vacations. Many of them are outside the Timeline for when he really doesn't want to be disturbed. The only downside to the quiet is that it leaves him with too much time to think about things he'd rather not think about, so his self-imposed exiles never last for long. Like all the others, he wants to be reunited with the Eldest someday, but unlike the others, he remembers that he had no room for fears or worries when he was near them. He aches for that simple, unplagued existence once more, and if he's lucky, he'll be able to forget everything in their light.


His skills are numerous, from making souls and useful items to resolving Deepdark conflicts, with a little babysitting thrown in the mix. He's also the keeper of the Elyr, the Book of Names, and various other Eldest artifacts that he only loans out if he deems that the reason for their usage isn't hopelessly idiotic.

Death's Rules

  1. Other Gods may not make or meddle with souls without Death's express permission. Period.   2. New systems must be approved by Death before mass implementation.   3. The Timeline is not to be circumvented or tampered with.   4. Entropy is not to be spoken with.   5. Deepdark outbreaks and new magic veins are to be reported immediately for destruction and protection, respectively.   6. All Eldest artifacts are to be handed over upon discovery.   7. Fate is not to be brought near Light Lock keys.

Major Events

AGE OF THE ELDEST   Death was hands-down the darling of the Eldest, lending credence to the theory that he was the first of the Gods created. He rather enjoyed the attention, though he wasn't always quick to show it, and spent most of his time being showered with affection and testing (read: playing with) various Eldest artifacts as they were created. He was fairly insular during this time, occupying himself with his parents and his toys, and everything seemed perfect. He's also one of the few Gods to actually remember the Motherlight, and maintains the same deference to her as the Eldest do.
AFTER THE CALL   After the Eldest were recalled to the Heart of the Universe, he found his position as favored child flipped to the mildly feared, lovingly disrespected, and extremely put-upon leader he is now. He was none too happy with the change, but had a sense of responsibility he couldn't ignore and, as he would often say later, not much sanity, so he slipped into the role and never left it. He was the first of the Gods to stop wallowing after the Eldest and the Motherlight disappeared and put forth the plan to fill the Universe with Soulbound to try and entice them back, and promptly found himself overwhelmed in the midst of all the problems that followed.
  CREATION OF LIFE AND DEATH   In the explosion of Soulbound creation that followed, Death realized quickly that things were not going to work how he envisioned without a lot of help. Soulbound on less developed planets were living in misery with no way to ever escape it, and those on stable planets filled them in a blink of an eye. It was a free-for-all in terms of soul creation, with countless broken and defective souls filling the Universe, and physical vessels needed constant babysitting to keep them functional for the souls that resided within them. All of these issues required his attention to resolve, and despite all his power, he just couldn't keep up.   Fed up, he left his siblings to wallow in their own problems to seek out an Eldest artifact he'd used countless times in his youth; the Elyr, a pocket dimension container that could hold so much within it that it was practically limitless storage space. Initially used to transport magic across the Universe in bulk, Death reformed its interior in a veritable Eden for souls, a germ of an idea already forming on how to control the soul population in a reasonable, sustainable way. When he returned with the modified Elyr, he roped Time into his plan, and the two of them vanished into a quiet corner of the Universe to bring it to fruition.  
  The first order of business was the creation of the Soul Beacon Cloak, a garment that Death calibrated to attract free-floating Named souls so he could feed them into the Elyr when they weren't actively bound to a physical vessel. Next was figuring out a way to make the physical vessels actually release souls so one soul wasn't bound to a single, frail body. Initially, they designed their test Soulbound to release their souls when the physical vessel was too damaged to function properly, but this proved to be a nothing but band-aid to the exploding growth issue. After bandying ideas back and forth, Time devised the concept of aging and made the first version of the Timeline.  
  At first, the Timeline only served as a way to make physical vessels age until they "died" and released the Named soul within it to be held in the Elyr until rebirth, but when they tested it on a few Soulbound, they found that living in countless concurrent times drained the life force of the vessels at an alarming rate; Soulbound in the new system would barely have time to take their first breath, let alone live. Time refined it to completely overhaul how the entire Universe operated, inflicting a single time on everything and making events link together through strict cause and effect relationships. Everything in its influence slowed way, way down, bottlenecked to travel along this single line, but test Soulbound lived longer than a flicker. As a final act of mercy, Death wiped the memories of every soul entering the Elyr so those with good lives wouldn't pine for what they'd lost and those with awful lives wouldn't carry that burden any longer.  
Whatever I think is going on over here better not be happening.  
  When they returned to their siblings with these new plans in tow, Time immediately blanketed the Universe in the Timeline and forced all the other, weaker siblings to stay in it, with only Death as the exception largely because Time couldn't force Death to do a damn thing. Death wasn't exactly impressed, but he had to admit that it was easier to manage all the problems when they were only happening a few at a time, so he let it go amidst an absolute uproar of outrage. The siblings were further incensed when Death announced he was taking over soul creation entirely, despite soul creation being hands-down the hardest part of making Soulbound. They were somewhat mollified, however, when he demonstrated the new life and death cycle that would allow souls to die naturally after living along the Timeline long enough or when their physical vessels were irreparably damaged, to be reborn across the Universe instead of chained to single planets for their entire existence. This eased the load on more developed planets by setting a soft limit on how many Soulbound could be active on the planet at a time, and gave those on less developed planets opportunity to have a calmer, more stable existence after a fairly short time. It forced Gods to be cleverer about how their Soulbound vessels were constructed, but that simply paved the way for Nature and several others to start working on plans of their own.  
THE LIGHT LOCK   When Entropy suddenly appeared to ravage all that the Gods had worked for, Death was quick to rally his siblings for ideas on how to stop the dangerous being. Reasoning with it proved immensely ineffective, leading to the first deaths among the Gods. The realization that they were able to be erased from the Universe with no hope of recovery came as a heavy blow, and Death forbid anyone from venturing near it again until they had a plan. He would be the one to venture out into the Universe again, looking for any artifact left behind by the Eldest that might help their cause. Entropy dogged him relentlessly, having figured out who was holding all the Gods together in short order, but at last Death stumbled upon the Light Lock, a magic-nulling chain made of light with seven keys in each color of the rainbow that would be strong enough to bind the ultimate creature of the dark.   When he returned, he mobilized the rest of them with as much magic as they could hold and led the battle against Entropy to bind it. Not being used to warfare or any kind of truly serious confrontation, the Gods took a massive hit, losing nearly half their number in the struggle against Entropy's growing army of Nameless as well as its deeply destructive, corrosive form of magic. Nevertheless, the most powerful of the siblings did manage to bring Entropy under the influence of the Light Lock, which crippled it severely, removing its ability to do any magic or move through its Deepdark tunnels. Attempts to destroy it outright once it was bound ended poorly, so Death and several others transported Entropy to the farthest corner of the Deepdark and tied it there to remain trapped forevermore. Shortly after, the Gods claimed another victory by forcing the Deepdark under the influence of the Timeline, dramatically slowing its deadly sprawl.
TIME'S MADNESS   Once the dust settled, the Gods turned their attention to ridding the Universe of Entropy for good, the creation of the Nameless adding even more pressure to do something quickly. Most ideas were vetoed as either too dangerous or too stupid the second they were put forth until Time suggested using Entropy's own destructive magic that riddled the Deepdark to wipe it out, with the thought that its magic would surely be powerful enough to hurt it directly. Death was reluctant, but Time and several others would not be swayed, so against his better judgement, he allowed a select few to accept the heady power of corruption.   Not only did the plan fail spectacularly, Time was soon driven mad by the corruption and began to attack other Gods on sight, seeking out the most powerful of them to destroy first under Entropy's command. Death was forced to slay his brother, and as a result, Entropy now keeps Time's beautiful blue eyes on prominent display within its amalgamous body as a sick trophy to torment the God. Checking that Entropy is still bound is the only task that Death delegates out, because he doesn't think he can handle looking into Time's eyes ever again.  

Further Reading


His skills are numerous, from making souls and useful items to resolving Deepdark conflicts, with a little babysitting thrown in the mix. He's also the keeper of the Elyr, the Book of Names, and various other Eldest artifacts that he only loans out if he deems that the reason for their usage isn't hopelessly idiotic.  

Death's Rules

1. Other Gods may not make souls without Death's express permission. Period.
2. Entropy is not to be spoken with.
3. Deepdark outbreaks and new magic veins are to be reported immediately for destruction and protection, respectively.
4. Fate is not to be brought near Light Lock keys.

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