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Force to be reckoned with

At A Glance

One of the few Gods who wasn't completely humanoid, Nature came out on top in the pile of Gods with comparable power levels following Death and Time's clear superiority. Her planets specialized in non-humanoid Soulbound and the vast majority of them are still going strong without any intervention whatsoever. She's also the builder who put together Nature's Blessing as a boon to her less experienced siblings, much to their relief.  


Nature was a brilliant, heavily ornamented green mantid with glittering rainbow, faceted eyes and trailing fins on her limbs that she used a touch of illusion to make fade to pink at the edges, the first to use the color in that particular shade. Though humanoids are generally considered the beauty standard among the Gods, Nature was a strong contender for the most beautiful being in the Universe. Though she wasn't the only God to decorate herself with planets, she was the only one to make those planets into complex, living ecosystems that supported a variety of Soulbound successfully.  


The definition of a beautiful soul, she was kind and considerate to her siblings and able to smooth over disagreements in a much warmer way than Death's icy ultimatums. She made it a point to treat everyone fairly and could always be relied upon to keep secrets secret, even from Death. Her guiding tenet was that all life is sacred and should be properly cared for, even the artificial lives given to those creatures made that support the Soulbound. She was always quick to help her siblings with their builds, making the Gods flock to her for assistance. Her supportive and creative personality made her well-loved, and also killed her.  

Major Events

Age of the Eldest

Nature's penchant for creation presented itself moments after her creation when she started fiddling with Eldest artifacts to study and refine them. Her parents were always willing to let her help put things together, making her the most knowledgeable about artifacts in general, a skill Death would take shameless advantage of at every opportunity.  

After The Call

She was as devastated as the rest of them when the Eldest disappeared and struggled in the yawning emptiness that came after, but Death's idea to create Soulbound breathed some life back into her. She was fairly adept at building functional souls, but her real talents lay in physical vessels and planetary environments and she was quietly relieved when Death forbade the rest of the Gods from making souls.  

Nature's Blessing

Nature was one of the first to embrace the Timeline's stabilizing structure. While she never had much interest in the future, it wasn't uncommon to find her gaze buried in the past, analyzing planet builds that worked and, more importantly, ones that didn't, and why. She set about building a powerful guide of various successful frameworks as a boon to the less experienced of her siblings, codifying optimal environments and soul vessel builds that would live comfortably on their planets without much, if any, intervention. As she released sections of the knowledge out into the Universe, the overall quality of builds skyrocketed, easing the amount of time other, more experienced Gods spent fixing broken planets and speeding successful Soulbound growth.  


When Time suggested corruption as the answer to the Gods' Entropy problems, she found the idea just crazy enough to work, and understood Time in a way that none of the others did, making her more inclined to agree with him in the first place. When she realized her mistake and began slipping into madness, she couldn't bear making Death have to go through with destroying her, and she disappeared into the Deepdark to be devoured by Nameless. A whole section of Entropy's horrific physical form is dedicated to displaying twisted versions of the beautiful mantid's body.  



Despite her agreeable demeanor, even Nature was skeptical she could break through Time's barriers. Neverthless, she made the effort when no one else would, and when she discovered that all he wanted was to be needed, their relationship grew into something close to friendship. She was easily convinced to try harnessing corruption with him, more because she didn't want him to go into the unknown alone than because she believed it would actually work, and was therefore not quite surprised when it would be the thing that ended her life.  


Nature loved Death dearly and would make herself available for him at moment's notice when he needed to let off steam about the current state of the Universe. She also was the one who would advise him about the best uses for the Eldest artifacts he found and stored in the Elyr and was the only God who was allowed unfettered access to any of them that she wanted at any time. Her death was a bigger blow to her older brother than he'd like to admit, and he refuses to talk about her now.

Further Reading

Nature's Blessing
Geographic Location | Aug 2, 2021
Condition | Oct 30, 2021

We're all mad here

The Gods
Species | May 27, 2022

The bridges built and abandoned


She was a master builder both of planets and physical vessels and could use Eldest artifacts to their fullest effect. Her personality also made her perfect for mediating arguments, which she was always happy to do with gentleness and grace.

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