
The Jdi'i are a subspecies among the Zmaym that superficially resemble the Ogapapada of the Brokenridge Mesa or the Kta of the Greenteeth Mountains. Some favor the look of the Hach breed of sheep that graze across the plains. In truth the Jdi'i descend from the ancestors of both the goat and sheep livestock that ran wild during the Cataclysm.

Basic Information


All Zmai subspecies are different, but the Jdi'i are different still, closer to the Ani than the Mpichi in form. Jdi'i have an upper body nearly indistinguishable from a K'vut, save for a slight excess of chest hair. Their lower bodies are vastly different, and their heads bear differences as well.

A Jdi'i lower body features longer legs with hooves at their end rather than K'vutan feet. Their knees are higher, with slightly shortened upper leg bones and longer lower leg bones. Their long and powerful legs make them excellent runners and their musculature seems to reinforce the idea that a Jdi'i was designed to run even in rough terrain.

A Jdi'i head features two unique traits unseen in other known species of Zmai: a reinforced skull and large horns. While it is common for Ani to have small horns, Jdi'i have large curving horns that sweep backward from their brow ridge and over the back of their skulls. Their skulls are reinforced with heavy mineral layers to support these horns and, strangely, absorb impacts to the skull without damaging their brains. A Jdi'i also possesses a uniquely suited spine for these ramming traits, reinforced as it is with strong tendons and muscles.

The facial structure of a Jdi'i is common among the Zmai and follows the general traits found species wide.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Jdi'i share the naming traditions common among the Zmaym.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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