The Zut Invasion

Listen, Children. Long ago, before The Long Night, before The Loss of the Sacred Water, our people suffered through The Zut Invasion.

When the world was young and our gods walked the lands, before some were bound to the Stubtu and others were stripped of their powers, they forged in the Sacred Waters two beings. Our ancient gods made our people, the K'vut, and a warrior people of immense size called the Zut. These beings were massive and powerful and lived to fight. Near-impossible to hurt, much less kill, they healed faster than us, and their size made them well-made for the Wars our Makers fought. After our Exile, the Zut were on the other side of the world, separated from us. We were safe. But it was not for long.

When The Cataclysm happened we had no idea that destruction of the Warrior Moons would herald our own demise. But as the fragments of the moons rained down and the ring of shards formed, untold numbers of our people died. As we scrambled to pick up the pieces of our broken homes, the Zut came striding from the frozen north with footsteps that rumbled like thunder. No weapons could kill them, no places were safe from them. They took our beasts and our crops; they murdered our people for the stores of food we had. We were driven from our homes, season by season, year by year, we were driven from everything we had, including the Sacred Water.

Refugees fled ahead of the Zut, and the strain of all their needs stressed the abilities of southern cities. But there was nowhere else to go. As the Zut swept down and closer, some of our people fled to the sea heading west. We took what boats were available and sailed into the stormy water with what little food could be spared. Better to die at sea than in a Zut cookpot, we thought, and off we sailed.

We had intended to sail to a safe distance and return to our lands when the Zut moved on. But as we sailed out of range of their weapons we lost sight of the land. Refugees who had never set sail were now lost at sea. As our supplies ran low, and our people fell to sickness or starvation, we asked the Makers to intercede. Darkness fell as The Long Night came upon us.

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