William Blake
Deliverer / Chosen (briefly) William Blake (a.k.a. Old-Timer)
William Blake traveled with the crew of the Intrepid Explorer for some time and befriended Dash Reynard as a former Deliverer. However, during their time in Ein Sof, he was approached by a Corrupted Seraphim in their "sentient" form who spent several minutes with William trapped inside of the trance. Afterwards, he seemed distant to the crew. After the crew arrived at the Throne inside of the Tower, William Blake took the opportunity to reveal that he had struck a bargain with Orgeneous to become his Chosen. He shot and almost killed/corrupted Leliel, blew up Mark 37-091 after his former robotic companion sided with the party, killed the recently rescued Ladi, and seemed intent on destroying Ydrissil before he was knocked out of his coalescing god's form by Dash Reynard and decapitated by Jason.Relationships
Mark helped keep William alive on Xanti in return for him eventually helping Mark escape his assigned fate as a protector of the Slush.
Deceased and Headless Folksy Ex-Deliverer finding a new path forward with Dash after leaving their lives serving Fate together. if(function rt(){return!!window.Ember||(!!window.Vue||(!!window.Meteor||(!(!window.React&&!document.querySelector("[data-reactroot], [data-reactid]"))||!!(window.angular||document.querySelector(".ng-binding, [ng-app], [data-ng-app], [ng-controller], [data-ng-controller], [ng-repeat], [data-ng-repeat]")||document.querySelector('script[src*="angular.js"], script[src*="angular.min.js"]')))))}()){window.postMessage({singlePageAppCheck:true})}else{window.postMessage({singlePageAppCheck:false})}
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