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In the celestial realm of Selenia, where stars dance in an eternal symphony and the moon casts its gentle glow upon the land, there exists a deity known as Drava, the Patron of Healing and Medicine. Revered by mortals and gods alike for his boundless compassion and unwavering dedication to the preservation of life, Drava is a beacon of hope and solace. His presence is felt in every act of healing, every moment of compassion, and every effort to preserve the delicate balance between life and death.   Origin Story   Long ago, when the world was young and mortals still walked in darkness, Drava descended from the heavens to bring the gift of healing to the realm. With a touch as gentle as the morning breeze and eyes filled with infinite kindness, he tended to the sick and wounded, easing their suffering and granting them solace in their time of need. As the mortal races flourished and civilization spread across the land, Drava watched over them with a vigilant eye, guiding the hands of healers and physicians as they practiced their craft.   Drava bestowed upon these healers the knowledge of medicine and the wisdom to use it wisely. He taught them the delicate balance between life and death, instilling in them the values of compassion and dedication. In times of war and strife, Drava's presence was felt most keenly as he walked among the battlefield, his golden robes billowing in the wind as he tended to the fallen with hands that glowed with divine light. He whispered words of comfort to the dying and granted strength to the living, inspiring courage in the hearts of those who fought for the greater good.   Prayer to Drava   "Oh savior and curer of wounds, Cleanse thy sickness and purge disease, Heal my body shall I live to serve."   This prayer is often recited by those seeking Drava's healing touch, invoking his compassion and divine power to cleanse their bodies and souls.   Legacy   Drava's influence extends beyond the realm of physical healing; he is also a patron of the mind and spirit. He guides those who suffer from ailments of the soul towards inner peace and enlightenment. His temples serve as sanctuaries of healing and refuge, where the weary and downtrodden can find solace in his presence.   In the city of Crystalmere stands the grand Temple of Drava, a beacon of hope and healing for all who seek it. Within its hallowed halls, priests and priestesses devote themselves to the study of medicine and the practice of healing arts, offering their services freely to all who are in need. The temple is a place of learning, where the wisdom of Drava is passed down through generations of healers and physicians.

Divine Domains

Middle Sanctuary

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Drava is a glass vial filled with healing herbs, representing his dedication to the art of healing and the preservation of life. This symbol is often worn as a pendant by his followers or displayed in his temples as a sign of his divine presence.

Tenets of Faith

To Do No Harm: Followers of Drava are sworn to protect life and avoid causing harm to others. They believe in the sanctity of life and strive to preserve it in all their actions.   To Heal: The primary duty of Drava's followers is to heal the sick and wounded, using the knowledge and skills bestowed upon them by their patron deity.   Serve the People: Drava's followers are dedicated to serving the people, offering their healing arts to all in need, regardless of their status or circumstances.   Purify and Cleanse When Needed: Followers are also tasked with purifying and cleansing those afflicted by diseases, both physical and spiritual, ensuring the well-being of the community.


The Day of Cleansing is a holiday dedicated to Drava, observed with great reverence by his followers. On this day, people take time to be anointed with holy oil and waters, symbolizing the purification and renewal of their bodies and souls. The anointment rituals are often conducted in Drava's temples, where priests and priestesses offer blessings and prayers for the health and well-being of the community. The Day of Cleansing marks the beginning of a new year, filled with hope, purity, and the promise of healing.
Dark Blue
Salt and Pepper
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Articles under Drava


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