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Krikini Lightwood aka “Kiki”

Written by Kiki         Life Cleric of Ygharis   Race: Rock Gnome   Background: A gnome born under the Spring Equinox to a family of tinkerers from Dewberry. Never leaving her home until she was much older, she experienced the world through the stories of other adventurers and the books in the central library.   She grew up willingly following the teachings of Ygharis, eventually becoming a deacon and later a priestess, with her childhood friends. A ship that had escaped from a Portcross raid caused her to take up weapons training to protect herself and others. Her training allowed her to travel the Sea of Veil on Church Missions, learning and experiencing all that she could.   Tragedy struck in the form of Umbral Sickness… She lost many that night. By the grace of her Lady, she'd found Prism Flowers where there should have been none. She saved one young soul.   Pledging her life to Lady Ygharis she now travels in search of a cure to Umbral Sickness all while spreading the warmth and light of her merciful Lady.   Appearance:   An average-sized gnome at 2'5'' she has a slight bit of chub to her. Tan, almost golden, skin. Purple eyes. Long, half-down, pointed ears. Long Umber Brown hair that fades to Autumn Orange near the end, almost always tied into a fishtail braid and a small section of crown braid.   Goals/Motivations: Kiki only has four set goals. To travel as much and as far as she can, learning anything and everything as she goes. To spread the light of Lady Ygharis. To give healing, protection, knowledge, and love to all who bathe in her warmth.   To study the Umbral Sickness and find a cure so no more would be lost to it. Finally, to make as many friends as she can along the way! Strangers are just friends you haven't
Current Residence
Guild Hall
Purple Eyes
Long Umber Brown hair that fades to Autumn Orange near the end,


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