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A small village situated on the mountainous border between the Craglands and Uzrash serves as a refuge for many escaping from Portcross. King Thorin has established the village as a checkpoint, offering refugees the choice of returning to the islands or starting anew in the Craglands. Many refugees arrive via mountain tunnels from Blackmount. Often, they are from the Islands of Veil, including slaves taken in raids and those who no longer wish to live under King Slade's rule.   Those who live in Ravenshire are hearty dwarves and some gnomes. The population now includes island natives who have thrived since coming here. The opportunity to live a life of freedom draws many to Ravenshire, offering the chance for a better life and, for some, the possibility of returning home.


The village has moderate defenses; however, it is mostly disguised to look like nothing more than one of the rural settlements of the Craglands. The outer perimeter is fortified with concealed barriers and hidden watchtowers manned by vigilant guards. Thick foliage and cleverly placed rock formations provide natural camouflage, while underground tunnels and secret escape routes ensure the safety of its inhabitants. The village's unassuming appearance is a deliberate strategy to avoid drawing attention, making it a safe haven for those seeking refuge and a new beginning.

Industry & Trade

Mining in Ravenshire is it primary industry with many work to keeping the many supplied with ore.

Points of interest

The biggest point of interest in Ravenshire is its promxity to Mount Balen. Which can be seen very clearly from the Village, the mountain is Sacred in the Craglands and many also come here to stay before making their pilgrimmage to the mountain.


The buildings here are rather simple in design with plaster walls and thatched roofs. The Village has rather plain look to it as not cause or rouse any spurious intrusions from Portcross.


The Village is situated in a Mountain Valley


THe climeate here pleasant given its high altitude the air is always crisp.
Owning Organization


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