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The Craglands

Formerly known as The Principality of Craglands, the great dwarven kings have returned to lead the Kindom of Craglands to prosperity. Situated between Mothalsia to the East and Stormer to the West, The Craglands consist primarily of mountainous and rocky terrain. The Halflings that call these lands home have perfected farming techniques that take advantage of the Dwarves' innate ability to carve and mold solid rock. Recent conflicts involving Uzrash and The Underdark have brought a renewed sense of purpose to all of the Cragland natives. Commerce across mountain borders and through the now booming ports has ensured that every hearth has wood, and every table has food. In keeping with the faith of the newly crowned King, Thorin Dankil AKA The Sun King, temples to Boldrei have sprung up all over the Craglands. Marriage and populations are on the rise. The ancient kings that founded the Craglands have returned as advisors to the crown. Giving the new king a legitimacy that would otherwise be impossible to achieve. Demi-gods in their own right, each king is a living representation of four great mountains, and four guiding pillars of Cragland society.   Despite all of the good news, there are some rumors regarding a potential for conflict with Portcross. Security presence at all border crossings and port cities has increased recently. The Council of Kings has convened more in the last month than they have in the whole year prior. Concern about Umbral water and the sickness that it causes is also rampant. Many are choosing to stay home from festivals and large gatherings, and the relative silence from The Council is not helping.   **Solstead **- The capital of the Craglands, Solstead is a splendid display of the finest Dwarven crafters at work. Nestled among the coastal mountains to the south, the walled city, carved out of a small mountain, is still perched atop a series of hills that other nations would shy away from building on.   **The Four Pillars** - The mountains that are represented by the four ancient Kings, and the principles which guide them.   **Mount Balin** - King Grogen Meadmaker - The pillar of brewing. Dwarven craft beers and mead is world-renowned. The various grains grown high on Mount Balin contribute to the unique flavors in Dwarven liquors.   **Mount Alfheim** - King Hemmod Runebranch - Halflings are the true mages of the Craglands with their druidic spells. Dwarven earth and stone molding is second to none though. Also, don't disregard any Craglands firemage as the forges burn hot and long. Mount Alfheim is often besieged by magic storms.   **Mount Thrudheim** - King Gregor Mountainheart - True feats of might are celebrated in Craglands culture. The annual strongman meet at the foot of Mount Thrudheim features events tailored for Craglands competitors, but does allow entrants from other lands.   **Mount Jotun** - King Bogram Fireforge - Craftsmanship guides commerce in the Craglands. Although you could hire a dwarf to make you a bed or a boat, their true masterpieces are weapons and statues. Many sought-after stones are also mined and shaped in the mountains around Mount Jotun.     Written by Craven
Controlled Territories

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