Dechen Tadej Character in The Void | World Anvil
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Dechen Tadej

Dechen Tadej was a major theological thinker in the 5th Age. Born in the outskirts of the Golden City Dechen lectured at numerous universities across the Magaran Empire and beyond. Though her contributions to several philosophical fields were significant and continue to be taught, albeit it under a different name, her most famous achievment was her leadership and evolution of the Iconoclast movement.    Her changes to Iconoclasm saw it evolve from a peaceful fringe belief that advocated a rejection of theological factors on ones life to a militant sect devoted to the eradication of the gods. Already striking controversy at her time she was named a heretic by the church and an enemy of the state leading to movement between secret cells where she continued to promote her ideas. Research over the means to kill gods continued under her rule eventually discovering a means that was by their claims used in the murder of several Ederic deities including: The Everwatcher (God of Knowledge), Typhis (God of the Tempest), Solaran (God of Fire), Amarel (God of Life) and Nox (God of the Night). The validity of this list is still widely debated with the Imperial Tathamite Church acknowledging only the death of Amarel and Typhis by Dechen claiming the other named deities simply refuse contact until the faithful can prove themselves worthy.   Dechen would lead several military campaigns during the late 5th Age assisting rebelling groups that sought independence from the Magaran Empire. A capable tactitian favouring hit and run tactics that sought to strangle larger forces by decimating their supply lines Dechen was eventually captured and put to death in a public execution in 5E-132. Her death made her a martyr to the Iconoclast Movement and her legacy continues despite the Spellplague and numerous attempts by the Aesalian Empire to delete her from history.
Date of Birth
11th Chal
Date of Death
28th Typh
Circumstances of Death
Public Execution
Golden City
Place of Death
Rolen, Falarin
She / Her

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