Spellplague Condition in The Void | World Anvil
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Transmission & Vectors

Though unclear during the initial spread study came to discover the Spellplague could be transfered via the transmission of bodily fluids. The fluids only needed to touch another individual to be absorbed through the pores on their skin though direct ingestion through open wounds or another cativity would expedite the development of the virus.    Due to the coughing, sneezing and nauseus symptoms in stage one infections quickly spread through urban areas with exposure to the fluids being commonplace. Stage three 'Zombification' led to a second wave of infections where the disease was spread via the biting and clawing of the infected as their various sores exfoliated infected fluids.


The cause of the Spellplague remains a heavily disputed topic. The most loudly attested, and thus widely accepted, cause promoted by the Imperial Tathamite Church attributes the virus to Tatham's punishment upon the mer for allowing the Iconoclast movement to murder several deities. By their claim the spellplague cleansed Aesalia of sin allowing society to regrow and prove its worth.    Other sources suggest that it was created in a laboratory as a biological weapon though evidence of this claim is largely disputed with most being purported on message boards and conspiracy groups. The theory has also taken form to suggest it was extra-solar in origin though this is considered similarly lucirous not least due to the existence of Viromancy allowing the creation of such horrific diseases and no record of extra-solar contact even in the post-spaceflight era.


The Spellplague symptoms are largely broken into three stages ultimately concluding in death. It's most notable impact which slowly becomes more powerful was the complete eradication of magical ability in the infected. Magical ability would begin to decay within days of infection and even those who managed to survive the virus would find themselves unable to use magic after the virus left their system. The severity of the virus was also noted as being proportional to magical ability with greater harm coming to those with a greater proportion of arcanum in their blood.   Stage 1 The first stage emerges within a week of initial contact. It is defined by the slow emergence of a range of symptoms progresively escalating over the course of two weeks. The most common symptoms include:
  • Coughing
  • Excessive Sweating
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Sneezing
  • Headache
  • Disorientation
  Stage 2 As the symptoms escalate the infected eventually enters a semi-conscious feverish state that over the course of three weeks leaves them in a comatose state. During this stage the body begins to develop rashes that appear with a putrid white wrinkled texture that on contact appear to be rotten flesh. This phase ends with the seeming death of the individual where the pulse becomes so weak and breath so gentle that life is impossible to confirm without medical devices. Stage 2 is also the last stage in which an individual can be cured of the Spellplague with the damage to their body in stage 3 being so great that administration of a cure results in the immedeate death of the infected.   Stage 3 Often known as 'zombification' this stage of the infection lasts indefinately as the virus spreads through the body distorting the infected's mind until they believe everyone around them to be a threat whilst dimming their mental faculties to that of a rabid animal. Able to identify other infected as non-threatening these infected attack at random able to survive off very little food and water with the virus feeding off non-essential organs in place of food when necessary.    If left without nutrition and with the entirity of the non-essential organs consumed the stage three infected enter a stationary position often lying or sitting down as the virus gathers moisture in their chest. It then begins to slowly convert the remaining organs into gas that, as time advances, can be detonated by any small vibration. Effectively turning the creature into a mine.


A vaccine and cure is avaliable in most major hospitals though the virus is believed to have been wiped out. So long as it is administered before the end of stage 2 infected are able to make a full recovery. Citizens in Aesalia were vaccinated against the Spellplague until the 8th Age when, due to its lack of sighting for over a century, it was decided that it would no longer be mandatory. Vaccines are avaliable however for those that wish them.

Affected Groups

The virus was particuarly hostile to those without Human blood leading to the extinction of nearly all sentient species on Aesalia. Several notable species that were eliminated include:
  • Gnomes
  • Tortle
  • Dragons
  • Changelings
  • Minotaur
  • Vedalken
  • Loxodon
  • The Faey
  • Gith
  • Tiefling
  • Genasi
  • Aasimar
  • Goliath
  • Fibolg
  • Triton
  • Yuan-Ti
  • Centaur


The Spellplague defined the 6th Age of Aesalian History decimating 99.8% of the population and leading to the total extermination of a number of sentient species across the planet. The initial infection is believed to have been in the Golden City, the population density and trade significance of which greatly exacerbated the spread of the virus across the planet. From there it quickly spread across the planet with infection spreading quickly and easily.   Within the first year the aparatus of the state had shut down collapsing order to newly emerging societies based around the ruins of what existed before. These communities experimented in a range of governmental and societal structures with infected being exiled or killed on the spot. Basic necessities were found largely by scavenging with pre-infection industrial structures scrapped for parts to rebuild the means of industry within settled zones. Agriculture was practiced where possible though rarely was it able to adequatly feed the populations of the newly formed safe zones.    The discovery of the cure is accredited to Emperor Aleksander Rodorian XII whose blood provided the means to cure the virus. Arriving at the Golden City Aleksander guided the survivors of the imperial medical infrastructure to synthesize a cure for mass production. This cure was then used to help restore the authority of the empire over Aesalia calling in a new era of peace and stability.
Chronic, Acquired

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