Emperor Aleksander Rodorian XII Character in The Void | World Anvil
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Emperor Aleksander Rodorian XII

Emperor Aleksander Julius Rodorian, The Great

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Though the details of Aleksander's early life are lost to history it is well accepted that upon his arrival in the Golden City he was sixteen years of age. Within his blood the cure for the Spellplague was contained and capable of being taken to create the cure that exists even now in every medical practice of the Aesalian Empire.    Under the subsequent years Aleksander used the cure to rally the surviving communities behind his rule restoring order and structure. His constitution and division of powers moved from the old aristocratic structures of the pre-plague empire to a new invigorated and meritocratic state where the Emperor, though kept within the Imperial House of Rodorian, would be the most suitable candidate not merely one of direct descendency. He formed a new economic model taking the old guilds into the modern age and managed through a mixutre of diplomacy and force to impose the origins of a planetwide empire.

Personality Characteristics

Representation & Legacy

Aleksander XII is often considered one of, if not, the greatest Emperor in Aesalian history. His understanding of scientific, legislative, judicial, diplomatic and military fields as well as the vision of his empire all pale comapred ot his role in the end of the Spellplague. His achievements are often celebrated alongside Resurrection Day with many wealthy ctiziens of the empire bearing his name as their first or middle in his honour.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
6th Tatham 5E-132
Date of Death
19th Amarel 7E-066
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
He / Him

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